University News

Robotics Camp at WIU-QC in July

June 3, 2014

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MOLINE, IL - This summer, area youth ages 11 to 16 will have the opportunity to learn to build a robot, as well as to learn basic tool safety and design through a camp at Western Illinois University-Quad Cities.

The camp will run July 8-10 at the WIU-QC Riverfront Campus, rooms 103-104. Tuesday, July 8 and Wednesday, July 9 the camp will run from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and Thursday, July 10 will run from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

This science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) educational outreach program will teach students how to work within a team environment, record ideas in an engineering manual and be exposed to a variety of important engineering technologies. The camp curriculum will be structured to emphasize informal science education (free-choice learning), in a project-based (inquiry-based) manner, and involve systems thinking.

The camp is coordinated by coach of the award-winning robotics team, Rio Rancho Runners, Shelly Gruening, who operates a home school robotics team based in New Mexico.

Registration for the three-day camp is $140 per student, and all camp attendees receive a t-shirt. Drinks are provided, however students are required to bring their own lunch.

The deadline for registration is Sunday, June 15.

For more information, contact Christina Monson at (309) 763-3999, ext. 62788 or Register online at

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