University News

Western Illinois University Management and Marketing Associate Professor Susan Stewart was recently awarded a WIU Faculty Study Abroad Fellowship. Stewart's proposal was one of only two proposals selected for Western's Faculty Study Abroad Fellowship program. With her award, she will develop a one-week study abroad trip to Dublin, Ireland, next summer (2014) and then will begin taking Western students with her the following year (2015).
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WIU-QC Biz Professor's One-Week Dublin Study-Abroad Program

July 3, 2013

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MOLINE IL – A Western Illinois University-Quad Cities business professor is making it easier for students to study abroad. Susan Stewart, a professor in the management and marketing department, was recently awarded a WIU Faculty Study Abroad Fellowship. Stewart's proposal was one of only two proposals selected for Western's Faculty Study Abroad Fellowship program.

With her award, she will develop a one-week study abroad trip to Dublin, Ireland, next summer (2014) and then will begin taking Western students with her the following year (2015).

"I am excited to develop a study abroad experience for our students that includes only one week of travel, which makes it more feasible for students who work full time to participate," Stewart said. "This is unlike other offerings in the current WIU courses/programs and will accommodate both undergraduate and graduate students who want a study-abroad experience, but have not been able to participate in the past."

According to Stewart, her program plan will include having WIU students meet with business students and faculty from universities in Dublin. She will also have students listen to and interact with Irish historians and guides with knowledge of the historical, economic and political context of the development of Irish culture and traditions. In addition, students will spend time with Irish business departments at universities and companies and discuss with personnel how to conduct business in Ireland and what to expect in terms of business behavior there.

"Dublin has an enduring tradition of proving quality education and a long history of accommodating international students and faculty," Stewart noted.

Western students who enroll in this global study-abroad course will earn three credit hours, which includes the completion of pre-departure meetings and assignments, overseas assignments and the submission of a comprehensive study-abroad portfolio.

Stewart said she has many reasons for taking WIU students to Dublin.

"Dublin has a young population, with about 50 percent under 25 years old — which makes this a top international destination for college students. Also, the Irish economy is continuing to grow at an estimated 7.25 percent and many world-famous organizations, including Microsoft, Google, Guinness/Baileys and EBay, are located in Dublin," she explained. "Students will acquire an understanding of strategies and tactics pertinent to global business efforts and the conditions under which they are most likely to be successful."

Studying abroad gives students and faculty members the opportunity to explore the world and enrich their personal and professional skills, Stewart added.

"I have explored 15 countries, including Ireland. I love to travel and have an intellectual curiosity and interest in other cultures that will be further developed through this Faculty Study Abroad Fellowship," she noted. "I am honored to receive this award."

For more information about study abroad programs, visit For more information about the Dublin, Ireland, program, contact Tami Seitz, WIU-QC marketing director, at (309) 762-3999, ext. 62-295, or by email at

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