University News

WIU Professor Named Fellow for Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

April 19, 2013

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MACOMB, IL - Western Illinois University Professor Vincent Auger has been named an academic fellow by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) in Washington, D.C.

Auger is a professor in the University's Department of Political Science.

Through the award, Auger will travel to Israel in June for a 10-day course on terrorism studies. The course includes lectures by academics, diplomats and military officials from India, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and the United States, as well as trips to military, police and border facilities throughout Israel.

According to the FDD, the goal of the program is to "educate participants about the threat of terrorism and how democratic states combat it." FDD's goal is to educate Americans about the terrorist threat to democracies worldwide.

Auger was nominated for the program by a colleague who had been an academic fellow several years ago.

"I look forward to participating in this unique opportunity to deepen my understanding of the sources and consequences of terrorism," Auger said. "I will be able to bring the insights and knowledge I gain from this program to the classroom when I teach my courses on terrorism and international relations."

The program runs June 16 – 25 at Tel Aviv University.

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