University News

From l-r, School of Agriculture Director Bill Bailey, and WIU alumni Charlie Carey, Dean Ruebush and Seth Lambert discuss the recent drought and its effects as part of a University Television original program.
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UTV Drought Documentary Features WIU Grads

February 20, 2013

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MACOMB, IL -- While the Feb. 5 announcement from the U.S. Drought Monitor indicated that Illinois has had enough measurable rain and snow to eliminate the moderate drought conditions that have been persisting over the area, the region is still classified as "abnormally dry" due to the long term precipitation deficits. Recently, three Western Illinois University graduates and WIU School of Agriculture Director Bill Bailey talked about the effects of the drought not only on farmers in the field, but for the nation. The documentary was produced by Quintin Parker of University Television (UTV).

WIU graduate Charles Carey, a partner in Henninger and Carey, a Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) clearing firm, and chair of the Commodity Markets Council, sat down with Bailey in UTV studios on the Macomb campus, and with two local producers at their McDonough County farm - and WIU alumni - Dean Ruebush and Seth Lambert to discuss the effects of the drought that plagued the Midwest during Summer and Fall 2012. The UTV original program airs on Macomb's local Channel 3 (Comcast customers) and Channel 9 (McDonough Communication customers).

"2012 Drought" will air on channels 3 and 9: Friday, Feb. 22 (8 a.m., 11 p.m.); Saturday, Feb. 23 (10:30 a.m.); Sunday, Feb. 24 (10:30 a.m., 6 p.m.); Tuesday, Feb. 26 (7:30 a.m., 8 p.m.); Wednesday, Feb. 27 (2 p.m.); Thursday, Feb. 28 (9 a.m., 5 p.m.); Friday, March 1 (3:30 p.m.); Saturday, March 2 (2 p.m., 10 p.m.); and Sunday, March 3 (6:30 a.m.). The feature will continue to air at various times throughout the year.

Carey, who graduated from Western in 1975, served as vice chair of CME Group from 2007 - 2010 in connection with the merger of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. He served as chair of the Chicago Board of Trade from 2003-2007. Ruebush, a longtime McDonough County farmer, received his bachelor's degree in agriculture from Western in 2009 [Ruebush started at WIU in 1973, but put his degree on hold in 1976 to farm full-time. He later returned and received his degree in 2009]. Lambert, his son-in-law and business partner, graduated from WIU's agriculture department in 2007. Bailey has served as director of the School of Agriculture (originally as chair of the agriculture department) since July 2005.

University Television, within Western's Division of Advancement and Public Services, provides original programming as well as airing a variety of University lectures, performances and events, including Leathernecks athletics, 24 hours a day, seven days a week on channels 3 and 9. University Television also features the WIU broadcasting department's student run newscast at 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and broadcasting student-produced programs such as Leathernecks and Macomb High School sporting events, interviews with coaches and players, and more.

Daily UTV guides can be found at Click "here" in the TV guide section. To obtain the complete UTV listing, change cable provider/location to Comcast or MTC depending on your cable carrier.

Other UTV programming includes performances by such groups as "White Ghost Shivers" and WIU's own Jazz Studio Orchestra; lectures by such individuals as Arun Gandhi, grandson of legendary Mahatma Gandhi, and nationally known Abraham Lincoln impersonator George Buss; WIU theatre and dance performances; roundtable and panel discussions on a variety of topics; the histories of Macomb and WIU; interviews with such notable figures as Civil Rights activist C.T. Vivian; and more.

University Television's primary mission is to support Western's commitment to higher education through television and media services. UTV also collaborates with WIU marketing and public relations initiatives. University Television's secondary mission is to advance television and media services to other educational and private groups for community outreach.

To obtain copies of UTV original programming and WIU-related events airing on University Television, contact UTV at (309) 298-1880 or email For more information on University Television, visit

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Office of University Communications & Marketing