University News

Kathleen McEntee with CBT Dean Tom Erekson
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Chicago Business Author Recognizes Alma Mater

November 3, 2011

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* Story Courtesy of Kathleen McEntee & Associates

Chicago, IL -- Juggling a business in two locations with clients on two continents, a book introduction, two online courses for a newly launched Consultant Certification and an aging parent keeps local marketing and PR expert Kathleen McEntee busy. But giving back also has a place on her plate. McEntee, who is chair of Western Illinois University's College of Business and Technology (CBT) Advisory Board recently tied her book-signing into fundraising for her alma mater.

The book, "Being in Business is a Funny Thing – Getting Out is Not!," is a business owner's guide to growing and transitioning the business.

"'Being in Business' is meant to help business owners provide insight into the many aspects of being in business, especially those skills that do not come naturally. When I meet with clients, my head just explodes with ideas on how to tackle the challenges that they are facing. What better way than to provide them with a reference to use as a foundation?," McEntee said.

The book is essentially marketing for her firm, in that it helps businesses tap her experience and knowledge-base. She decided to take it a step further to incorporate a little fundraising for Western's College of Business and Technology at her recent book-signing in Chicago. Attendees had the option of giving to the University rather than directly to McEntee's firm when purchasing the book.

"This is a first since I have been dean and we are just thrilled," said CBT Dean Tom Erekson. "Kathleen has been an integral part of our board, especially during our recent re-accreditation process. We really appreciate her incorporating our cause into her business activities."

The College of Business and Technology at WIU is distinguished by its accreditation through the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), which recently re-accredited the college through 2015.

Proceeds earmarked for the University from the "Being in Business…" book-signing will be added towards the University's $60 million Capital Campaign initiative.

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