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Andrew Lian

Andrew Lian Named Foreign Languages and Literatures Chair at Western Illinois University

May 4, 2005

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MACOMB, IL - - Andrew Lian (pronounced Lion), emeritus professor of languages and second language education at the University of Canberra, Australia, has been named chair of Western Illinois UniversityÂ’s foreign languages and literatures (FLL) department, according to College of Arts and Sciences Dean Inessa Levi.

LianÂ’s appointment at Western Illinois will begin later in May. He will replace Morris Vos, who has served as chair since 2002. Vos, a 34-year veteran German professor at Western, will return to teaching.

“Professor Lian is a wonderful and valuable addition to the College of Arts and Sciences,” said Dean Levi. “His scholarship record, professional reputation, administrative experience and leadership skills will help to advance our academic programs as well as our internationalization goals.”

“I chose to come to Western Illinois University because of its progressive, energetic and imaginative leadership both centrally and at the level of the College of Arts and Sciences,” Lian said. “This leadership is reflected in the unswerving commitment to the development of a university for the 21st century with a special focus, and strong policies, on internationalization. In that context, I believe that my colleagues in FLL and I can make a strong contribution not only within the College of Arts and Sciences but also across the University as a whole in collaboration with other departments and sectors.

“I come from a multicultural and multilingual background and I very much live that multiculturalism and multilingualism through my personal life and my professional connections with people and institutions throughout the world,” added Lian, who was born in Alexandria, Egypt to a Greek mother and a British father.

“I have personal knowledge of the advantages of speaking different languages and of how important it is to be sensitive to the workings of different cultures. There is no doubt that the study of foreign languages and cultures - - language and culture are intimately related - - helps to develop sympathetic understandings between people from everywhere and from all walks of life, thus making the world a better place for all to live in. I believe that Western Illinois University shares this vision. I feel very excited and privileged to be joining the University and to contribute to its development specifically through the welfare of its students and the communities to which it is linked,” Lian said.

Lian served as professor of humanities and director of the Center for the Study of Languages at Rice University from October 2003-2004. Since then he has been a consultant for the University of Canberra and for Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. Lian previously worked at the University of Canberra as professor of languages and second language education (1998-2002), head (chair) of the School of Languages and International Education and chief administrator for the English Language Intensive Courses for Oversees Students (ELICOS) Programme (1998-2001). He was a professor and chair of the department of modern languages at James Cook University (Townsville, Queensland, Australia) from 1993-1996. Lian served as professor of computer-enhanced language learning and director of the Language Center (1988-1991) at Bond University (Gold Coast, Queensland). He also was the principal research fellow (March-December 1992) at the Centre for Language Teaching and Research at the University of Queensland

A noted presenter at conferences, institutes and colloquia worldwide, Lian has served as editor of the APACALL (Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning) and ASIACALL journals. He has received more than $200,000 in grants, awards and contracts related to language learning; and he has authored or co-authored nearly 100 publications and research papers. Lian is also the adviser to numerous masterÂ’s thesis and doctoral dissertations.

Proficient in English and French, Lian has a working knowledge of Modern Greek as well as familiarity with Arabic, German, Italian and Polish. Lian earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors from the University of Sydney and a Doctorat d’Université from the Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris IV. He specializes in the area of critical pedagogy and the methodology of teaching foreign/second languages and has a special interest in the uses of modern technology to enhance the learning process.

Western Illinois University’s department of foreign languages and literatures offers Bachelor of Arts and teacher certification degrees in French and Spanish. Minor programs are available in French, German and Spanish. The department, in conjunction with the College of Arts and Sciences and the Center for International Studies, also offers the Western Illinois Spanish Experience (WISE), a one-semester travel and study program in Spain in cooperation with the Colegio de España in Salamanca and with the University of Castellón.

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