University News

Lecture Series Planned to Celebrate World Environmental Day

May 21, 2021

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL – To commemorate World Environmental Day Saturday, June 5, three Western Illinois University professors will speak during a virtual event, from 10 a.m.-noon, themed "Ecosystem Restoration."

The lecture series, organized by WIU biology graduate student Oladele Dickson Owasoyo, of Nigeria, will take place over Zoom and can be joined at

The event is divided into three sections, including:

• WIU English Professor William Knox will deliver "How Combating Climate Change Can Help Restore the Ecosystem."

• WIU Associate Professor of Agriculture Joel Gruver will deliver "How Ecosystem Restoration Can Help Address Climate Change."

• WIU Anthropology Professor Heather McIlvaine-Newsdad will deliver "How Ecosystem Restoration Will Have a Positive Effect on Social Well-Being, Socio-Economic Development and some United National SDGs."

For more information on the event, email Owasoyo at

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