University News

President Thomas: FY20 Budget Update

June 4, 2019

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Dear University Community,

I am pleased to share that the General Assembly passed a state budget bill that provides operating funding to Illinois higher education institutions, as well as capital funding. When Gov. Pritzker signs the funding bills, Western's allocation of the FY20 higher education state appropriation will be $49.6 million, an increase of five percent from FY19. WIU's capital funding will be $94.5 million for a new Science Building, as well as approximately $29 million appropriated to the Illinois Board of Higher Education, designated for WIU capital improvements.

In addition, the FY20 appropriated budget provides funding for MAP and AIM High programs, and re-appropriates funding for the Center for Performing Arts and the Quad Cities Riverfront Campus. We greatly appreciate the General Assembly passing a budget, and providing operating and capital funding for Western and for Illinois public higher education, as well as funding to help meet students' financial needs.

The state allocations will provide critical operating revenue, which allows Western Illinois University to continue its mission of providing outstanding educational opportunities to the citizens of Illinois and beyond. The passage of the Fiscal Year 2020 budget is an encouraging sign for our state and for Illinois public higher education.

While there is an increase in appropriated funding, and we are hopeful for the release of capital dollars, due to our current predictions for Fall 2019 level new student enrollment, coupled with contractual obligations, the forthcoming increase of the minimum wage rate, and increasing student scholarship dollars, we must continue to practice conservative fiscal management. My leadership team and I will continue to review the institution's revenue and expenditures to ensure fiscal responsibility.

Thank you to our faculty, staff, and students for your ongoing support of Western Illinois University, and again, thank you to the Illinois General Assembly and Gov. Pritzker for their support of Illinois public higher education.


Jack Thomas

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