University News

President Announces Organizational Changes

May 28, 2019

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- To reduce administrative costs and increase institutional efficiencies at Western Illinois University, the following changes are being made:

With the departure of the Vice President for Advancement and Public Services, the vice presidential position has been eliminated. Foundation and Development responsibilities will be overseen by a Senior Executive Director of Development. As Advancement and Public Services and Marketing provide University-wide functions and services, those areas will now report directly to the President. All employees in these units will retain employment.

To thoroughly review, streamline, and enhance the University's search, screening, and hiring processes, a committee has been created to consider the merger of the Academic/Administrative Personnel and the Human Resources offices. Decisions regarding these offices and the search, screening and hiring processes will be made by June 30.

Effective July 1, 2019, the President and Vice Presidents will join the University Professionals of Illinois in a two percent base salary reduction.

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