University News

Commencement Weekend: Health Information Following Mumps Outbreak

May 9, 2018

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MACOMB, IL -- To ensure the health of visitors to the Western Illinois University campus following the recent outbreaks of mumps on the WIU-Macomb campus, Beu Health Center medical officials would like to remind guests to campus this weekend for Commencement ceremonies of tips and information to remain healthy.

For those guests unable to attend the ceremonies, all Commencement ceremonies and events will be livestreamed on Western's YouTube channel and Facebook page.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mumps patients can be infectious for two days prior developing symptoms and for five days after symptoms develop; therefore, it is difficult to control the spread of infection. The mumps virus, which is spread by airborne droplets, is highly contagious and can be spread easily among large groups.

Beu recommends the following individuals consult with their family physician prior to attending Commencement ceremonies:

- Individuals who have not received the mumps vaccination.
- Unimmunized infants who have not completed their primary MMR vaccination series.
- Pregnant women or women who think they may be pregnant.
- Patients who are taking immunocompromising drugs, such as chemotherapy, steroids or biologic agents used treat autoimmune diseases.
- Patients who have immunocompromising conditions such as AIDS or HIV.
- Patients who are experiencing fever, body aches, sore throat, facial pain or swelling.

Hand sanitation stations will be available throughout Western Hall. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are encouraged to take the following precautions to avoid the mumps virus:

- Make sure your MMR vaccine is up-to-date. If you are unsure if you received two doses of the MMR vaccine, get vaccinated. Individuals who have had the mumps virus are immune (an additional vaccination is unnecessary.

- Wash your hands well and often with soap and water.

- Do not share eating utensils and beverages with others.

- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

Additional information can be found at

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