University News

Letter to University Community: Budget Update [11/28/16]

November 28, 2016

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Dear University Community,

On Wednesday, Nov. 23, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) allocated $8.4 million to Western Illinois University. This allocation was made from the special fund created for the IBHE as a part of the June 30, 2016 stop-gap measure. The one-time $20 million fund was created to provide financial support and essential operations at public universities and community colleges.

This funding demonstrates IBHE's recognition of our best practices of responsible financial stewardship and stabilized enrollment. The funding also indicates that the state and IBHE have confidence in WIU, which is partially a result of our frequent advocacy in Springfield for Western and public higher education. We continue to forge ahead and meet our mission of providing quality education to a diverse student population.

While this allocation is most appreciated, adequate and consistent appropriated funding for public higher education is crucial to ensure that we continue to provide affordable academic programs and services to our students, as well as meet our expense obligations. As the budget uncertainty persists at the state level, we will continue to limit spending for immediate and essential operational needs only. Our fiscal management practices will remain in place, and our work with legislators and all constituencies to advocate for our students and for adequate support of higher education will continue.

Thank you for your commitment to Western Illinois University. Our success is because of the faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members who dedicate themselves to our great institution.


Jack Thomas

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