University News

WIU Ecuadorian Student Encouraging Donations for Ecuador Earthquake Relief; Canned Food, Water Donations Accepted at Bins on Macomb Campus

May 9, 2016

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MACOMB, IL — A Western Illinois University student from Ecuador is encouraging individuals to give to help people affected by the April 17 earthquake in her home country, which occurred on the northern coast there. Mila Gallardo (Quito), a senior music performance major, said Ecuador is still in need of water, food and monetary donations to help earthquake victims and others impacted by the natural disaster.

Gallardo, staff and students in Western's Center for International Studies are coordinating a relief effort on campus, to which individuals can donate canned food (with pull tabs), mosquito repellent and bottled water. Donations can be placed in bins located at the Murray Street entrance to the University Union and on the first and third floors of Memorial Hall.

"I have family in the coast of Ecuador, in the city of Guayaquil. Fortunately for me, much of my family is safe, and their house did not get demolished," she said. "Some people in my family lost relatives and friends that day. Infrastructure can be reconstructed but lives cannot be replaced. Taxes are raised to pay all the damages. It is important to create awareness, because this can contribute to shorten this long process for all the people directly affected."

According to Reuters, more then 650 people were killed by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which was the "worst in nearly seven decades" and destroyed close to 7,000 buildings and has caused more than 25,000 people to seek temporary housing in shelters. President Rafael Correa estimated damage at $2–3 billion.

According to Gallardo, trusted sites through which to donate funds include:

For more information, contact Dana Vizdal at the Center for International Studies at (309) 298-3734 or via email at

Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing