University News

OPS Releases Results of STEP Detail

September 8, 2014

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MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University Office of Public Safety has released the results from its Labor Day enforcement detail, conducted Aug. 15-Sept. 1.

Throughout that time period, OPS conducted extra patrols funded through a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation. The patrols focused on reducing traffic crashes, along with associated injuries/death by focusing on seatbelt laws, impaired driving and other violations.

Through the patrols, OPS conducted 38 traffic stops, issuing a total of 40 citations, including 23 seatbelt citations, one warrant arrest, two citations for illegal use of a cell phone, one arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol and four other alcohol-related arrests.

The law enforcement crackdown was funded by federal traffic safety funds through IDOT's Division of Transportation Safety and it runs concurrently with a media campaign that will remind motorists, "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over."

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