University News

Capital Campaign A Success

January 29, 2014

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MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University President Jack Thomas, along with the WIU Foundation and its Board of Directors, announce the successful completion of the $60 million Higher Values in Higher Education campaign. The campaign officially ended Dec. 31, 2013, raising a total of $62.1 million.

"I would like to thank all of the generous individuals, foundations and corporations that contributed to this success," Thomas said. "Because of you, Western's core values will be translated into action and our students will have enhanced educational opportunities. The higher education landscape has changed drastically in the last decade and private support is necessary to maintain excellence and ensure student success."

The Higher Values in Higher Education Campaign set out to raise $60 million in support of four objectives: student scholarships, faculty support, capital improvement and information and technologies.

"The Higher Values in Higher Education Campaign for Western Illinois University represents only the second philanthropic campaign in the 114-year history of Western," said Brad Bainter, vice president for advancement and public services and executive officer of the Foundation. "Our first campaign, which ended in 2000, raised nearly $5 million over its $20 million goal. I am extremely grateful to the leadership provided by President Thomas, President Emeritus Al Goldfarb and our dedicated Foundation Board. I am especially appreciative of the tremendous support we received from our alumni and friends. Finally, I want to thank all Western's development officers and Foundation staff members for their hard work to help us exceed our goal."

According to Bainter, the success of the campaign has had a tremendous impact on the WIU Foundation. The University's endowment has increased to $40 million from $16 million and the institution's total asset base is now approximately $55 million. Earnings from the endowment support student scholarships, academic programs, critical University needs and many initiatives on both campuses. Planned gifts also comprise part of the $62 million total.

"On behalf of the Foundation Board of Directors, I thank each and every donor who contributed to the success of this campaign," said Foundation Board President Jim Lodico of Geneseo, IL. "From the one-figure to the seven-figure gift, each makes a difference and improves the education we offer our students."

Many campaign funds have gone directly to scholarships, academics, athletics, performing arts, lab equipment and research activities.

"Western has achieved so much and experienced so many positives during these difficult economic times," said Bainter. "Words really cannot express our appreciation for the generosity shown during this campaign. The real success of the campaign is the impact on our students and our campuses. I invite you to visit either the Macomb or Quad Cities campus to see for yourself how your investment contributes to the vitality of this great University."

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