University News

Budget Update [10/28/13]

October 28, 2013

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Dear Campus Community:

In recent months, the University administration has come before the campus to discuss and outline the financial challenges that we face as an institution. Recently, we have been preparing for the necessary decisions to ensure that the University remains stable in FY15 and beyond pending the financial obligations that we face.

Some of these preparations have included meetings with the leadership of the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) Chapter #4100. These meetings with UPI have been both positive and productive, and I would like to thank the UPI leadership on their willingness to discuss and be a part of the financial decisions that we face. Late last week, the UPI and the University reached an agreement in principle that will assist the institution with the plan to ensure financial stability into the future.

In light of this recent development, I am postponing the October 29 budget presentations in order to provide my leadership team and I more time to revise the FY15 budget plans. We will still come before the campus during the fall semester to discuss the FY15 budget and any changes that will be necessary. We continue to face budget and cash flow challenges and thus, the campus must remain cautious in our spending, diligent in our legislative efforts, and innovative in our student recruitment and retention. We will continue to work with our legislators and stay abreast of developments in Springfield on any budget or legislative items that will impact the University.

As we face financial challenges, we must continue to work together as we have done in the past to take Western from a good University to a great University.

Jack Thomas, Ph.D.

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