University News

Members of the WIU Greek community spent some of their thousands of hours of community service working at WIU's Horn Field Campus.
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WIU Greek Community Breaks Annual Fundraising, Community Service Goals

June 17, 2013

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MACOMB, IL – During the 2012-2013 academic year at Western Illinois University, members of the school's 27 Greek organizations performed 12,664 hours of community service and donated more than $65,000 to local organizations.

During the last school year, the organizations raised $65,366. During the 2011-2012 school year, WIU Greek organizations spent a total of 7,033 hours in community service and raised a total of $38,231, as compared to the 2010-2011 year, when there were 5,432 hours of service and $23,334 raised.

"Community Service and Philanthropy are one of the key core principals of every fraternity and sorority members," said Nicholas Katz, assistant director of Student Activities – Greek life. "Whether raising money for a national charity or performing hands-on service hours for a local organization, WIU fraternity and sorority members went above and beyond during the 2012-2013 academic school year to break the previous year's record. After the 2011-2012 school year, the Greek community was challenged to perform 10,000 hours of service and raise $50,000. Both goals were easily surpassed and have set in motion new goals for the 2013-2014 academic school year. Community service and philanthropy can bring a personal reward to each member of the Greek Community. It is great to see the Greek community giving back so much of their time and talents to others"

The organization leading the hours and fundraising efforts was the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, which spent 1304.5 hours in community service and raised more than $31,900. The fraternity's largest fundraiser each year is the "Smokin' Hog" barbeque, which for the past two years has donated its proceeds to Macomb's Volunteers Interested in Benefitting Everyone (VIBE) group.

Other campus Greek organizations leading the fundraising category include Chi Omega, bringing in $10,548; Sigma Chi with $6,145 and Sigma Sigma Sigma with $3,189.

Organizations leading in the community service category include Delta Zeta with 2,863 hours; Chi Omega with 2,051.5 hours and Sigma Sigma Sigma with 1,571 hours.

For more information about WIU's Greek organizations, visit

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