$2,000 Scholarship a year up to two years
3.0 or higher GPA and 24 earned credit hours *
$1,000 Scholarship a year up to two years
2.5 - 2.99 GPA and 24 earned credit hours*
Transfer Commitment Scholarships (Spring 2018-Spring 2020)
24 earned credit hours & 3.0 GPA or higher
New transfer students who have 24 earned credit hours from an accredited institution at the post-secondary level with a 3.0 GPA or higher will receive a renewable $2,000 scholarship. (This award is renewable for the students second year with WIU. Renewal criteria does apply)
24 earned credit hours & 2.99-2.5 GPA
New transfer students who have 24 earned credit hours from an accredited institution at the post-secondary level with a 2.99-2.5 GPA and enroll full-time at WIU will receive a renewable $1000 scholarship (This award is renewable for the students second year with WIU. Renewal criteria does apply) .
Scholarship Criteria
- Submit your final transcripts from your community college showing those earned credit hours to Undergraduate Admissions
- Complete your courses with a cumulative GPA of either 3.0 (or higher) for the $2,000 or a 2.5-2.99 GPA for the $1,000 award
- Apply for financial aid at WIU by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- Enroll full time (12 hours or more) at WIU each semester as an undergraduate student
- Maintain good standing with regard to the Student Code of Conduct at WIU and required GPA for the scholarship to be renewed for a second and final year
Additional Information
Students who indicate that they will have earned the 24 required credit hours with the minimum criteria will be provisionally offered the Transfer Commitment Scholarship. Transfer Commitment Scholarships will be packaged as a part of students’ financial aid, added after tuition waivers, federal grants, and state grants to cover all direct costs such as tuition, fees, room, and board. The scholarship will be loaded on to the financial aid package as anticipated and then awarded towards the student’s bill only after they submit official transcripts showing the 24 credit hours are completed.
Students will be required to submit a FAFSA to WIU. Students requesting consideration under Illinois Public Act 93-7 will not have to submit a FAFSA, but will need to submit additional information including an affidavit of intent to apply for citizenship to receive a Transfer Commitment Scholarship. The Transfer Commitment Scholarship program would not disqualify students from receiving loans to cover additional costs of attendance. All scholarships would be awarded on the condition that funding is available for the scholarship.
Students may move among scholarship levels if they improve their GPA prior to enrollment at WIU. Students may enter as a new transfer in any semester. The Transfer Commitment Scholarship will not reduce your state or federal grants and is contingent on available funding. Please note that the Transfer Commitment Scholarship is not available in the summer.
Other Scholarship Opportunities
In addition to Transfer Commitment Scholarships, WIU offers many competitive scholarships and grants specifically for transfer students for academics, alumni affiliation, art, athletics, ROTC, leadership, underrepresented status, music and theater. To apply for these competitive scholarships, visit our scholarship website.
Renewal Criteria
Transfer Commitment scholarships are renewable for a second year if you:
- Maintain a cumulative WIU GPA of 2.75 or better
- Maintain continuous full-time enrollment (12 hours or more) each semester as an undergraduate student at WIU
- Comply with the WIU Code of Student Conduct: wiu.edu/codeofconduct. Disciplinary probation or a more severe sanction through the WIU Code of Student Conduct will result in loss of your scholarship.
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