Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What kinds of counseling are available to students at the Counseling Center?
A. Individual and group counseling are available at the University Counseling Center.
Q. Is there a charge for counseling?
A. No. The counseling service itself is free for currently enrolled students. However, if you do not show up or cancel an appointment after 8 am on the day of, you will be charged a $30 fee to your student account.
Q. Do I need an appointment to see a counselor?
A. We prefer that students schedule an appointment for counseling. However, you may be able to be seen on a walk-in basis. If you are experiencing a crisis, we have appointments available each day to accommodate these situations.
Q. How can I get an appointment?
A. By calling 298-2453 between 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday or by visiting the Patient Portal. You may also stop by in person during office hours.
Q. Who will know if I go to counseling? Can my parents and/or professors find out?
A. Information about Counseling Center clients is considered confidential. This means that NO information about who is receiving counseling or the nature of their concerns is released without that person's written permission. Exceptions to this include subpoena, in cases of current child abuse, or if there is an expressed intent to harm one's self or another. The Counseling Center staff is extremely careful to maintain your confidentiality.
Q. If I seek counseling, will it become a part of my university records?
A. No. Nothing which occurs at the Counseling Center becomes a part of your university record.
Q. What kinds of qualifications or credentials do the counselors have?
A. All of our counselors hold master's and/or doctorate degrees, with many having certification in specialized areas.
Q. Can I get a DUI assessment done at the Counseling Center?
A. No. The Counseling Center does not provide this service. However, these assessments can be done for a fee through the AOD office, which is housed within the University Counseling Center.
Q. I am not of Euro-American ancestry. Do you have counselors who are familiar with other cultures?
A. Yes. Not only do we have counselors with diverse backgrounds, but our counselors continually seek out training and experiences expanding their diversity awareness. In addition, we have a counselor who is bilingual in Spanish/English.
Q. Is there a limit to how long I can receive counseling at the Counseling Center?
A. The Counseling Center has a six-session limit in spring and fall semesters for a total of 12 sessions per academic year. Unlimited sessions may be available in the summer.
Q. Are counseling services available to Quad Cities campus students?
A. Yes! Quad Cities campus students have access to free, confidential counseling by utilizing the Zoom platform. In order to be eligible for services, students need to be located in the State of Illinois while utilizing services. Students can call the University Counseling Center and complete a brief screening to schedule an appointment.
If you have further questions or concerns please call us at 298-2453.
Contact Info
University Counseling Center
Memorial Hall 1st Floor
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Please call to schedule an appointment or schedule online via the Patient Portal. Appointments cannot be made through email.
Phone: (309) 298-2453
Fax: (309) 298-3253
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