Eligibility for Services

A student must be currently enrolled at Western Illinois University (WIU), taking a minimum of 3 academic credits and working toward a degree. Exceptions may be made only with the approval of the University Counseling Center (UCC) Director.

Faculty and staff taking classes at WIU are considered employees and will be referred to the Employee Assistance Program or other resources for counseling services. WIU employees may receive counseling assistance on an emergency basis followed by a referral to an appropriate provider or resource.

During the summer semester, a student enrolled for the fall semester may receive counseling services without summer enrollment. However, this is dependent upon availability of counseling services during the summer.

Scope of Services

The WIU Counseling Center offers initial assessment appointments, short-term individual counseling, crisis services, group counseling, workshops, outreach programming, consulting and referral services. For individual therapy, the UCC utilizes a brief, solution-focused counseling model in which individual therapy sessions are offered on a time-limited basis. Students whose needs fall outside the scope of services or scheduling availability are referred to community resources. The Counseling Center provides referral services after the initial session or as counseling factors become more apparent during the course of service. The UCC also offers one-on-one stress management skills appointments. Students are also able to utilize the Joy Room as a way to help manage stress during the hours the UCC is open. The Joy Room includes a massage chair, a blue light, and a private space to engage in relaxation skills. Students are free to participate in an unlimited number of group therapy sessions and workshops.                

Emergency appointments are available during business hours by contacting the University Counseling Center by phone or scheduling on the Patient Portal. After hours crisis care is available by calling (309) 298-2453 and choosing the option of being connected to a WellTrack HelpNow counselor. 

The UCC also works closely with Beu Health Center to provide psychiatric and medication services.

Some of the concerns commonly addressed at the UCC:

  • Personal Concerns: Stress, anxiety, depression, anger, loneliness, guilt, low self-esteem, grief
  • Relationship Concerns: Romantic relationships, roommate problems, family problems, social life
  • Developmental Concerns: Identity (e.g. personal, cultural, sexual orientation, gender identity), adjustment to college, healthy lifestyle choices, decisions, life transitions
  • Substance Use: Concerns related to alcohol or other drug use/abuse
  • Academic Concerns: Performance anxiety, perfectionism, academic difficulties
  • Other Concerns: Effects of trauma, sexual assault, abuse, concerns from childhood or adolescence, body image, food preoccupation

Some of the issues addressed through referral to services outside of the Counseling Center include:

  • Frequency: When you feel like you need to be seen individually once a week or more often.
  • Chronicity: When suicidal thoughts or desire to self harm won't subside
  • Progression:When symptoms get worse despite following through with the treatment recommendations.
  • Motivation: When ambivalence about changing is very high and you are not sure you are ready to do things differently.
  • Momentum: If you have a strong relationship with a counselor and you are making positive change, you may want to consider continuing ongoing treatment with that provider.
  • Legal Issues: Request for formal psychological evaluation for the purpose of employment clearance, determining eligibility for vocational rehabilitation or disability benefits.
  • Emotional Support Animals: Please see the the Emotional Support Animal guidelines, as laid out by the Student Development and Success Center here.




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Contact Info

University Counseling Center
Memorial Hall 1st Floor
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455

Please call to schedule an appointment or schedule online via the Patient Portal. Appointments cannot be made through email.

Phone: (309) 298-2453
Fax: (309) 298-3253
Email: ucc@wiu.edu