Office of Student Engagement
WIU Home > Student Success > Ose > Volunteer
Western's All Volunteer Effort (WAVE)
Want to get involved in the community? Need volunteer hours for an organization or class? Passionate about a local cause? WAVE helps you find volunteer opportunities!
Join WAVE!
To become a member: Fill out this membership form and c omplete 10 service hours by the end of the semester!
To maintain membership: complete 10 service hours per semester after!
More Information:
Find us on Leatherneck Link
Volunteer with us on Volunteer Link
Follow our Instagram : wiu_wave_
Email: WAVE's President Evelynn at
Come to our meetings, the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm in the Algonquin Room!
Previous Events:
WIU Gardening Good Food Collab
Animal Shelter Cards for Elms Nursing Home
Connect with us: