Residence Hall Publicity & Solicitation Policy
University Housing and Dining Services is committed to helping students, student organizations and university departments promote their activities, while also striving to keep the residence hall environment one that is conducive to studying, resting, relaxing, and socializing.
The following policies and guidelines govern the use of residence halls facilities for the sale of goods, distribution of materials, posting and the solicitation to students.
All individuals and organizations wishing to promote their activities within the residence hall must receive approval from University Housing and Dining Services.
Solicitation is defined as any activity that seeks to make contact with residents to collect information, sell items, or gain support from residents at Western Illinois University. Solicitation applies to a wide range of activities that may include: advertising, selling, petitioning, campaigning, distributing flyers, product orientation, and surveying residents by telephone, mail, e-mail, or in person.
Commercial Solicitation
All forms of commercial solicitation for merchandise purchase and/or services for personal profit or organizational gain are strictly prohibited by individuals or organizations not affiliated with University Housing and Dining Services, in the residence halls. This includes residential rooms, residential floors, and all public areas. For the safety of fellow residents and their belongings please immediately report anyone soliciting in the halls to a member of your Residence Hall staff.
Posting Flyers/Posters in the Residence Halls
A Residence Hall Bulletin Board Posting Request Form must be submitted for all requests by WIU student organizations and university departments, and are subject for approval.
A Residence Hall Bulletin Board Posting Request Form for Organizations Outside of WIU must be submitted for all requests by organizations outside of WIU.
Posting is defined as public display of any informational or promotional materials. University Housing & Dining Services has designated space in the public areas of the residence halls for the purpose of providing a place for groups and organizations to promote their events, activities, programs, and services. Posting materials may include, but are not limited to: banners, flyers, leaflets, notices, posters, or signs placed or affixed in public space for the purpose of advertising activities, programs or services.
The University will not approve any information that is deemed to be racist, sexist, indecent, scandalous, illegal, inciting, or information that conflicts with the mission of University Housing & Dining Services.
All requests are subject to approval and scheduled on a “first come, first serve” basis.
- Requests must be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance of the desired posting date and approved at least three (3) working days prior to the posting start date.
- Approved postings may be displayed for a maximum period of two (2) weeks. Items will be removed after two (2) weeks or the day after the date of the event, whichever comes first.
- A limited amount of posting space is designated in each residence hall for organizations outside of UHDS (public areas only).
- Postings must be 11" x 17" or smaller in size and must not contain any adhesive material.
- Organizations outside of UHDS may not post on residential floors.
- The sponsoring organization is responsible for making copies of their materials and delivering to the UHDS office in Seal Hall for distribution.
Digital Displays in the Residence Halls
A Residence Hall Digital Display Request Form must be submitted for all requests by student organizations and university departments, and are subject for approval.
A Residence Hall Digital Display Request Form for Organizations Outside of WIU must be submtited for all requests by organizations outside of WIU.
The University will not approve any information that is deemed to be racist, sexist, indecent, scandalous, illegal, inciting, or in any way oppressive in nature. Digital displays are used to display information relating to campus events or programs of interest to WIU students.
All requests are subject to approval and scheduled on a “first come, first serve” basis.
- Registered student organizations and university departments are eligible to submit digital displays.
- Digital information must pertain to a campus event or service at the university. Non-WIU activities will not be approved for display.
- Requests must be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance of the desired posting date.
- Approved postings may be displayed for a maximum period of two (2) weeks. Display dates should be requested when content is submitted.
- Artwork that is stretched, misuses the WIU logo, or is deemed too low quality by the Marketing & Communications office will be returned to the sender with an explanation as to why it will not run on the system as is.
- Advertisements for reoccurring events and meetings can only be submitted once a semester.
Digital Signage Design Specifications
- Digital signage will be accepted in a 16:9 ratio. The file should be sent as a jpeg and sized 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels
- Recommended text size is 36pt or greater. Recommended size for headlines is 72pt or greater.
- Use of no more than two different fonts is recommended.
- Use of quality images without pixilation is recommended.
- Use a color scheme consistent with your group or organization’s brand.
- Recommended word count for slides is less than 30 words.
Information Tables in the Dining Centers
A Residence Hall Information Table Request Form must be submitted by WIU organizations to request a table to promote your program/event/service in the Residence Hall Dining Centers.
University Housing and Dining Services allows Western Illinois University registered/recognized student organizations and University agencies to request a table in the dining venters for the purpose of presenting information to students. All requests centers for the purpose of presenting information to students. All requests are subject to approval and scheduled on a "first come, first serve" basis. The requestor will receive an email with the status of the request within three business days of submitting the request form. Standard set-up includes one table and two chairs.
Table reservation requests must be submitted at least 7 (seven) days in advance of the desired date.
Table reservation is limited to certain hours 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The purpose of the information to be presented to students should in no way, conflict with the mission of University Housing and Dining Services. Individuals or organizations who violate any University policy, and/or employ any form of deception in the completion and submission of necessary University Housing and Dining Services request materials or who misrepresent their activities or services in their communications with any University personnel or resident, will be prohibited indefinitely from future activities in any University Housing and Dining Services areas and any permissions already granted for activity may be revoked.
Table usage by on-campus registered student organizations and University agencies may be scheduled for a maximum of five (5) times/semester. Participants must leave the area in the order it was when arriving. All materials must be cleaned up upon departure.
Solicitation of goods and services, and exchange or cash or credit card information is prohibited. Participants must remain at the table. If they leave to approach students, they will be asked to leave the building.
Bulletin Board Posting Request Form for WIU Organizations
Bulletin Board Posting Request Form for Organizations Outside WIU
Digital Display Request Form for WIU Organizations
Digital Display Request Form for Organizations Outside of WIU
All requests must be submitted for approval.
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