Graduate Housing Lease - informational copy only
Residents must be full-time registered Western Illinois University students during fall and spring terms unless an exception is obtained in advance from the Lessor or designee. An exception may be given for circumstances such as completion of a thesis paper or registration for less than a full-time program for degree completion. Occupancy is restricted to a student resident and/or spouse. Married and domestic partners student applicants must provide a copy of their marriage certificate or domestic partnership declaration by the time they sign their lease. All occupants must be in good financial standing with WIU. Occupancy in the Westbrook House is restricted to student residents. Children or pets are not permitted to reside in the Westbrook House. University Housing reserves the right to co-lease any open bed space in a double designated room.
A non-refundable processing fee, in U.S. currency, is required at the time of the application. This is an administrative fee retained to cover costs related to contract processing.
Rentals are for the full period specified in the lease. Rent charges begin the first day of stated occupancy and continue until vacate date. Rent payments are payable in or to the Billing and Receivables Office according to due dates as indicated on billing notices. A monthly finance charge of 1% on any unpaid balance is assessed. Non-payment of rent may result in any or all of the following: 1) eviction, 2) inability to register for and/or attend classes, 3) an encumbrance will be placed on University records. Upon payment of delinquent rent, these penalties will be removed. Should a payment check be returned for any reason, an additional service charge will be assessed. The University reserves the right to increase room housing rental rates at any time. Student Lessees may reside in rooms at student rates as non-registered students during Summer. Two single Lessees are jointly liable for rent. The co-Lessee who first leases an room retains the right to remain an occupant if a dispute arises between Lessees. In addition to the rent, residents are also charged semester fees for computer network access and telephone access.
The Lessee agrees that the room will be occupied only by those listed on the lease. Occupancy by two single graduates is limited to members of the same gender unless they have filed a marriage license or a domestic partnership declaration. Guests may stay for a maximum of one week, and any requests for extended stay must be submitted in writing to the Graduate Housing Office for review at least one week prior to the proposed extended stay. Falsification of records and other infractions will result in forfeiture of the deposit, and Lessee may be asked to vacate the unit immediately with rent liability continuing until the room can be reassigned. Lessee shall occupy the room for the full term of the lease, with full rent liability shared by signatories to the lease. Summer occupancy will be available to eligible students currently residing in Graduate Housing and/or who are registered for the following fall semester. The Lessee must notify the Graduate Housing Office if they are going to be gone for any longer than 4 consecutive days during their lease period.
The Lessee agrees that changes in roommates or requests for change in room assignment are allowed with proper advance notice. However, every time a new lease must be prepared, a $50 change of lease fee per resident will be charged to process the change. Changes are subject to approval by the Graduate and Family Housing office.
An Intent to Vacate Form is required of all residents at least 30 days prior to vacating. Failure to give proper notice of vacate shall result in Lessee being charged rent 30 days after the notice of intent to vacate. If a resident changes the intent to vacate the date less than one week prior to check-out, an improper check-out fee will be assessed at the time of check-out. Upon withdrawal from the University, Lessee may be allowed to terminate lease and will be held responsible and charged for rent through the end of the 30 day notice of intent to vacate period. If termination of this lease is sought at any time during the lease period because of extenuating circumstances, Lessee may be released from the contract, and may be held responsible for rent charges through the 30 day notice of intent to vacate. Voluntary termination of the contract to avoid rent payments over a semester break period is prohibited.
The conditions of this contract are breached if:
1. a. Occupants fail to be in good financial standing. The University may demand payment and notify occupants in writing that unless payment is made within the time mentioned in the notice, the rental agreement will be terminated. If a student resident remains in default after demand of payment by University Housing, the University may bring a summary proceeding, action, or suit. Charges will be assessed to the student resident for each step necessary for eviction procedures and any legal costs incurred.
b. Student resident has misrepresented any material fact in the application or other statements submitted.
c. Student resident is involved in any illegal activity as determined by University regulations.
d. Student resident is dismissed from the University by reason of disciplinary action.
e. Behavior of student resident or spouse indicates life or health of tenants may be in danger.
f. Student resident fails to enroll, withdraws enrollment, or does not complete the required semester hours during the academic year.
g. Student resident is conducting an organized business for remunerative purposes from the apartment.
2. Upon notice to the Student Resident, Graduate and Family Housing may terminate this contract for any such breaches of contract shown above and the Student Resident agrees that upon written notice of involuntary termination of the contract for breach of any of these conditions the Student Resident will vacate the apartment within a reasonable time to be specified by Graduate and Family Housing and will pay to Graduate and Family Housing all charges and liquidated damages.
Residents agree to comply with all federal, state, local, and University laws, ordinances and regulations regarding conduct, health, safety and other matters concerning activities on or conditions of the leased premises and common areas. This includes policies and procedures contained in the WIU Code of Student Conduct and the GFH Handbook, which are addendums to this contract and provided with the housing contract.
1.a. Apartment and Community Furnishings: Lessees may not remove furnishings and fixtures belonging to the Lessor. Resident must cover at least 2/3 of floor space with area rugs or carpet remnants in all rooms. Floor coverings must not be affixed to the tile floor. Personal air conditioners, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers, and additional stoves and refrigerators are not permitted in apartments. Lessee shall be held responsible for the proper care and use of items in apartments and of community facilities used. Lessee shall report immediately to the Resident Manager any loss of or damage to fixtures and furnishings including structural, mechanical, equipment, and furniture repairs needed. All replacements and repairs shall be made by University, and those made necessary by acts attributed to the Lessees, including accidents, misuse, carelessness or negligence, shall be made at the Lessee’s expense. Payment for such damages shall be charged to the Lessee’s account.
b. Apartment and mailbox keys may not be duplicated. A maximum of two keys will be issued to the occupants of any apartment.
c. Resident shall not attach an aerial, awning, or clothesline to the exterior of the building; nor affix anything to the exterior of the premises, including plastic coverings over the windows. Satellite dishes are not allowed. Resident shall not use trees, grass, balcony railings, or picnic tables for washing or drying personal belongings.
d. Resident shall not obstruct the corridors, stairways, or entryways or use such areas for storage. The University reserves the right to remove all obstructions and dispose of the same as its discretion. Balcony areas may not be used for storage (e.g., mattresses, bikes, household furniture, clothing, clothesline, auto part, etc.)
e. For safety, Resident shall not have or permit any open or covered fire, including but not limited to a hibachi or barbecue, on or in any balcony, stairwell, or entryway of any building. Resident may not have cut, real trees on the premises.
a. Noise and other disturbances: Residents are expected to observe the academic nature and close quarters of the community and should not make or permit noise that is objectionable to other residents to be heard outside of their own room. Residents should not play any musical instrument, radio, stereo, television, or create/permit other noise loud enough to be heard in surrounding rooms.
b. Violence: Western Illinois University is committed to creating a community free from violence and will hold residents responsible for violent behavior exhibited by themselves or their guests. This includes, but is not limited to, physical assault, sexual assault or harassment, relationship and domestic violence, stalking, threats and intimidation, reckless endangerment to others, and indecent exposure; whether against family members, visitors, or other residents, and whether conducted in person, via telephone, facsimile or computer transmissions. The use or possession of firearms is strictly prohibited on University property.
c. Alcohol and Other Drugs: The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is permitted in accordance with the State of Illinois statutes. Kegs and illegal substances are not permitted. The use of illegal substances will be prosecuted in accordance with Illinois State law and the University Judicial process.
d. Smoking is not permitted in any university-owned rooms or within 50-feet of the entrance to a university-owned room.
e. Pets: No animals or birds, domestic or wild, shall be permitted on the premises. Lessee admitting pets to the premises shall forfeit the housing deposit and may be asked to pay for room extermination as well as to vacate the unit with rent liability continuing until the room can be reassigned.
f. Solicitation: Solicitors or salespeople are not given access to the premises except with written permission from the Lessor or designee. Residents may not conduct solicitation without receiving permission from the University.
g. Fire Safety: Residents are expected to be conscious of the welfare of others at all times and may not knowingly or recklessly set a fire, tamper with any smoke detector or fire safety device, or falsely report a fire. Lessee shall not store combustible or flammable material within premises. Walkways must be kept free of all objects. The use or possession of fireworks is prohibited on University property and in University rooms. Lessee shall permit nothing to be done in the room premises nor bring or take anything thereon which will in any way increase the risk of fire or in any way conflict with the rules and ordinances of the local Fire Department. All occupants are required to evacuate when the emergency notification system (Fire alarm) is activated.
h. Communicable Diseases: Lessee must report immediately to Beu Health Center any case or suspected case of communicable disease.
i. Cleanliness and Sanitation: In order to reduce fire hazards, prevent insect or rodent infestation or other health concerns, and increase the longevity of the facilities, residents are expected to maintain high standards of housekeeping. Dirt, trash, or waste shall not be swept out of doors or thrown from windows or balconies. Lessee shall be responsible for depositing all garbage, recyclables (plastics, glass, aluminum cans, paper) in the designated garbage and recycling receptacles provided outside the building. Residents are expected to contact their Manager promptly if insect or rodent activity is discovered and to cooperate with the University’s prevention and/or treatment program for the elimination of pests. The University schedules and conducts an Annual Pest Control Application All-building Spray, and residents must leave the building for the designated five-hour period on the day of their own building spray. The University reserves the right to inspect rooms for health and safety reasons.
j. Parking: Parking facilities are provided for one registered auto per room and automobiles must be parked in the lot designated for the building in which the owner resides. All additional registered cars shall be parked in auxiliary parking areas as provided. All autos shall be parked only in areas provided for that purpose. Driving or parking on the grass is prohibited. All student and staff cars and bicycles must be registered and parking stickers purchased by the Office of Public Safety.
Lessee shall permit authorized University employees to enter room premises in an emergency, for yearly room inventory/condition audit, or at any reasonable time to inspect and/or repair property and equipment for health and safety reasons. Advance notice will be given whenever possible; however, in the event of an unforeseen emergency, advance notification may not be possible. Residents may not have additional locks, latches or similar devices installed on any room entrance or interior door. Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance measures are taken relative to steam and electrical service, resulting in temporary power outages that affect air conditioning and hot water availability. Advance notice will be given for all planned service shutdowns.
The University shall not be liable to Lessee or to the agents or guests of Lessees for any injury to any person or damage to any property caused by water, rain, fire, storms, or accidents; or by the breakage, stoppage or leakage of any water, gas, steam, or sewer pipes, plumbing, electric ranges or refrigerators, or of laundry machines and dryers upon, about or adjacent to said premises; or by any cause or causes beyond the control of Lessor. The liability of such risks of all such injury or damage being expressly assumed by the Lessee. Lessee should cover all personal property with renter’s insurance or other appropriate insurance. Personal effects, valuables or other property left in rooms or storage rooms and not claimed within 60 days after vacate shall be considered abandoned property and may be disposed of at the discretion of the University.
The University, in consultation with the duly constituted governing body of the room housing residents, reserves the right to make other regulations as deemed necessary for securing the maximum comfort, convenience, and safety of all concerned
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