Academic Standing for Undergraduate Students

Academic standing is determined at the end of the term (academic standing is also determined after grade changes/incomplete conversions), when grades are recorded on the transcript. A student’s standing (also known as academic status) is based on the GPA that they have earned at the end of the term at WIU.

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Dean's List (Semester and Summer Session Honors)

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To be eligible for semester honors, a student must be in good standing, earn a minimum of 12 hours of credit in courses graded using honor point bearing letter grades, and earn a 3.60 average for the semester.

To be eligible for Summer session honors, a student must be in good standing, earn a minimum of six hours of credit in courses graded using honor point bearing letter grades, and earn a 3.60 grade point average for the Summer session.

Good Academic Standing

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Students will be considered in good academic standing if they maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.

Penalties for Grade Point Average Deficiencies

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All students who are on academic warning or probation must confer with their academic advisor during the term of warning or probation to facilitate progress toward achieving good standing.

A student who is in good academic standing who earns less than a 1.00 semester GPA resulting in less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA is automatically placed on probation.

Academic Warning

If, at the end of a grading period (semester or Summer term), a student’s cumulative grade point average in courses taken at the University falls below a 2.00, but not so low as to warrant academic probation, that student will be placed on academic warning. Students who are placed on academic warning status may enroll for no more than 16 hours in a regular semester and no more than 6 hours in a Summer term. Students may not enroll exclusively in S/U graded courses while on academic warning status. Academic warning students will be suspended if their semester grade point average is below 1.00.

Academic Probation

If, at the end of a grading period (semester or Summer term) on academic warning, a student’s cumulative grade point average in courses taken at the University falls below a 2.00, but not so low as to warrant academic suspension, that student will be placed on academic probation.

Students who are placed on a probationary status may enroll for no more than 16 hours in a regular semester and no more than 6 hours in a Summer term. Students may not enroll exclusively in S/U graded courses while on probationary status. Students on academic probation must achieve at least the following grade point average each grading period until good academic standing is reached or they will be academically suspended:

  1. Freshmen and sophomores MUST earn a minimum term GPA of 2.10.
  2. Juniors and seniors MUST earn a minimum term GPA of 2.25.
Academic Suspension

A student will be academically suspended if at the end of any grading period the student on academic probation fails to make satisfactory progress toward good academic standing as defined under Academic Probation above.

In addition, any student who has a GPA of 0.00 (as a result of F, FN, FW, U, N, and/or XU) at the end of their first full-time semester of coursework will be academically suspended.

Reinstatement Following Academic Suspension

Students suspended for poor scholarship must remain out of the University for at least one regular semester. After the inactive semester, students suspended for the first time will automatically be eligible for reinstatement and may re-enter the University at the beginning of a Fall or Spring semester or a Summer term, provided they indicate their intentions to do so prior to established deadlines by filing a reentry form. If they have attended another school, an official transcript from that school must be on file in the Office of the Registrar at the time of registration.

Reinstated students re-enter the University with the same cumulative GPA they had upon suspension and are placed on academic probation. This probationary status will continue as long as the student satisfies the conditions specified in the section on Academic Probation. Students failing to make satisfactory progress are dismissed and may not be reinstated a second time except by approval of the Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards (CAGAS).

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid

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Students must meet all of the following satisfactory academic progress criteria for federal and state financial aid eligibility:

  1. Minimum Cumulative Pace (Credit Hour Completion Rate): Students must earn credit for at least 67% of the total cumulative hours attempted, including enrolled hours during which Title IV aid was not received. This includes transfer hours, incomplete grades, and withdrawal hours for all semesters.
  2. Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): Students must have a cumulative 2.0 GPA at WIU (grades for transfer hours are not included).
  3. Maximum Time Frame: Students must graduate before exceeding 150% of hours required for degree. This includes all hours attempted: transfer hours, incomplete grades, and withdrawn hours for all terms, and includes terms in which Title IV aid was not received.