Program Information
Four-Year Program
The Four-year Program consists of the Basic Course (first two years) and the Advanced Course (second two years). University academic credit is earned for all coursework satisfactorily completed.
Basic Course students do not incur any military obligation, the course is taken like any college course. They are not, for instance, required to wear uniforms to class or get military haircuts. The Basic Course is designed to introduce the student to basic military concepts, while at the same time having fun. Class activities include rappelling, rifle shooting, and the option to participate in extracurricular activities such as the Ranger Club, Drill Team, and Rifle/Pistol Club. Course enrollment is limited to freshmen and sophomores. (The permission of the department chairperson is required for other students.) In the spring of each year, freshmen and sophomores many compete for several ROTC state and federal scholarships. After completion of the Basic Course the student decides whether or not they want to enter the Advanced Course. The Department of Military Science evaluates their qualifications and determines their eligibility for acceptance.
Advanced Course students include all those who have either successfully completed the Basic Course, have been through basic training, or receive advanced placement credit. The last two years of the program are designed to prepare the student for a career as an officer in the United States Army. Entry into the Advanced Course is a joint decision by the student and the Department of Military Science. To gain acceptance into the Advanced Course, a student must: be of sound moral character, a U.S. citizen under 31 years of age, have no philosophical views which would make the student a conscientious objector, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00, and have no medical conditions which would prohibit military service. Students entering the Advanced Course sign a contract with the government and earn $420 tax-free each school month during their last two years of college. They may continue to compete for numerous federal and state scholarships. Advanced Course students incur a military obligation as an officer in the Army Reserve, National Guard, or Active Army. The length of obligation varies depending on the type of commission received. Students can receive Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty or National Guard Duty. Coursework for the Advanced Course is discussed in the Military Science course descriptions. Advanced Course students also attend Leadership Development and Assessment Course for 32 days, normally between their junior and senior years. Students receive pay, travel allowance, and room and board while attending the camp.
Two-Year Program
The Two-year Program permits the student who has successfully completed the ROTC Leader's Training Course, or who has a status of Veteran, prior service, National Guard, or United States Army Reserve, to enter directly into the Advanced Course Program.
The Basic Camp is approximately 31-days long and provides training in leadership, rappelling, map reading, rifle marksmanship, physical fitness, tactics, communications, first aid, and water survival. The student attending ROTC Leaders Training Course is paid and receives free lodging, meals, and college credit (6 elective hours). The Camp is designed to provide the student with Basic Course credit. Students wishing to attend the Leaders Training Course should apply early in the spring semester.
Simultaneous Membership Program
This program is open to students in the Advance Program. It enables them to remain a member of, or join a local Army National Guard or U.S. Army Reserve unit as officer trainees while attending college. Pay through either of these units is based on that of a Sergeant E5. See the Admissions Officer or call your local National Guard/Army Reserve recruiter for details.
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