Commissioning Requirement
- Completion of requirements for baccalaureate degree.
- Departmental core in Military Science under the four year program (18 s.h.)
- Introduction to Military Science 111 and 112 (2 s.h.)
- Basic Military Science 211 and 212 (4 s.h.)
- Intermediate Military Science 311 and 312 (6 s.h.)
- Cadet Advance Camp (6 s.h. placement credit)
- Advanced Military Science 411 and 412 (6 s.h.)
- Maintain 3.0 average in all Military Science courses.
- Departmental core in Military Science under the two year program (18 s.h.)
- Basic Camp or equivalent training (6 s.h. placement credit)
- Intermediate Military Science 311 and 312 (6 s.h.)
- Advance Camp (6 s.h. placement credit)
- Advanced Military Science 411 and 412 (6 s.h.)
- Maintain 3.0 average in all Military Science courses.
- Maintain a University cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better.
- Meet prescribed medical and fitness standards.
- Completion of History 304. (Earning at least a "C")
- Pass Army required Math, English, and swimming tests.
Advanced Placement
Students with prior military service or those who have completed one or more year at a service
academy or three or more years of junior ROTC may receive credit for advanced placement.
Minor in Military Science (18 s.h.)
- Military Science core at the junior and senior level (12 s.h.)
- Hist 304 (3 s.h.)
- Approved elective in an area other than the student's major (3 s.h.)
Note: Electives must be approved by professor of Military Science.
Extra Curricular Activities
A variety of extra curricular activities are offered for all students enrolled in military science. Many involve team competition with other universities.
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