Laws of Indiana Territory

Ohio became a separate territory in 1800 and a state in 1803. Illinois was a part of Indiana Territory from 1800 until 1809, when the area was divided and Illinois Territory was established. The laws of Indiana Territory to 1809 were compiled into a single volume in 1930. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency has given their permission to digitize the volume, which is also available in print in many Illinois libraries:

Philbrick, Francis S., editor, 1930. The laws of Indiana Territory, 1801-1809. Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library volume 21, Law series volume 2. WIU Malpass Library ILLINOIS 977.308 I29c v.21 This volume was digitized in two parts :

Part 1
Includes Table of Contents, Introduction and laws adopted by the Governor & Judges of Indiana Territory, and laws passed at the First Session (1805) and Second Session (1806) of the First General Assembly of Indiana Territory (Index is in Part 2).
Part 2
Includes a the laws in force and passed (up to 1806), and laws passed at the General Assembly of Indiana Territory during 1807 and 1808 as well as the Index to the volume.

An index to laws of the territory and state of Indiana to 1890 was digitized from the collection of Cornell University. It includes the time period when Illinois was part of Indiana Territory:

Howe, Daniel Wait. 1890
A descriptive catalogue of the official publications of the territory and state of Indiana from 1800 to 1890, including references to the laws establishing the various state offices and institutions, and index to the official reports. Indianapolis: The Bowen-Merrill Co.