Compiled & Revised Statutes
Every so often, the laws passed by the Illinois Territorial and State legislatures were collected and published at various times through Illinois history. These collections have been published as volumes of compiled or revised statutes. Compiled statutes are a collection of the existing State laws that have been arranged to make them easier to consult and use. Revised statutes are collections of laws that have been collected, arranged, updated and then approved or re-enacted by the General Assembly. The following volumes of compiled and revised statutes are available online for the State of Illinois.
The Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, Enacted by the Fifth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the Fourth day of December, 1826, and ending the Nineteenth of February, 1827. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, 1827. From the Internet Archive.
The Revised Code of Laws of Illinois, Enacted by the Sixth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the First Monday of December, 1828; and Those Enacted Previous thereto , and ordered by the said General Assembly to be Re-Published. Shawneetown, Ill.: Alexander P. Grant & Co., 1829. Another Copy digitized by Southern Illinois University. From the Internet Archive.
The Revised Laws of Illinois, containing all Laws of a General and Public Nature passed by the Eighth General Assembly, at their session held at Vandalia, commencing on the Third day of December, 1832, and ending the Second day of March, 1833, together with all Laws required to be re-published by the said General Assembly. Vandalia: Greiner & Sherman, 1833. 8th General Assembly, 1833. From the Internet Archive.
The public and general statute laws of the state of Illinois, containing all the laws published in the "Revised statutes" of 1833, except such as are repealed, --together with all the acts of a general and public nature, passed by the Ninth General assembly, at their first session, commencing December 1, 1834, and ending February 13, 1835; and at their second session, commencing December 7, 1835, and ending January 18, 1836; and those passed by the Tenth General assembly, at their session commencing December 5, 1836, and ending March 6, 1837; and at their special session, commencing July 10, and ending July 22, 1837; which are not repealed: and also the Militia law, compiled and arranged alphabetically, with occasional references. Chicago: Stephen F. Gale, 1839. From Google Books. Another copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Revised statutes of the state of Illinois, adopted by the General Assembly of said State, at its Regular Session, held in the years, A.D., 1844-5, Together with an Appendix, Containing Acts Passed at the Same and Previous Sessions, not incorporated in the Revised Statutes, but which remain in force. Springfield: Willaim Walters, Printer, 1845. From the Internet Archive.
Purple, N. H. A Compilation of the Statutes of the State of Illinois: of a General Nature, In Force January 1, 1856. Chicago: Keen & Lee, 1856. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Treat, Samuel H., Scates, Walter B. and Blackwell, Robert S. The Statutes of Illinois: Embracing All of the General Laws of the State, in force December 1, 1857. Chicago: D.B. Cooke & Co. 1858. From Google Books.
Election Laws of the State of Illinois, together with the Registry Law with suitable forms and instructions for carrying the same into effect, Published in Pursuance of Law, Springfield: Baker & Phillips, Printers, 1865. From Google Books.
Treat, Samuel H, Walter B. Scates, and Robert S. Blackwell. The Statutes of Illinois: Embracing All of the General Laws of the State, Complete to 1865, with Marginal Notes, Showing the Contents of Each Section, and a Reference to the Decisions of the Supreme Court Upon the Construction of Each Statute. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1866. From Google Books.
Treat, Samuel H, Walter B. Scates, and Robert S. Blackwell. The Statutes of Illinois [Volume II]: Embracing All of the General Laws of the State, Complete to 1865 with Marginal Notes showing the contents of each section and a reference to the Decisions of the Supreme Court upon the Construction of Each Statute. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1866. From Google Books.
Treat, Samuel H, Walter B. Scates, and Robert S. Blackwell. The Statutes of Illinois, Volume III: Embracing All of the General Laws of the State, Passed by the General Assembly from 1859 to 1865, Inclusive with a Complete Index. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1866. From Google Books.
Gross, Eugene L. A Digest of the Criminal Laws of Illinois from the Adoption of the Constitution to the End of the Twenty-Fifth General Assembly, 1818-1868, Illustrated by References to the Opinions of the Supreme Court, comprised in the First Thirty-Eight volumes of Illinois Reports. Springfield: Illinois Journal, 1868. From Google Books.
Gross, Eugene L. (Ed.) The Statutes of Illinois: An Analytical Digest of all the General Laws of the State in Force at the Present Time: 1818 to 1868. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1868. From Google Books. Another copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Gross, Eugene L, and William L. Gross. The Statutes of Illinois: An Analytical Digest of All the General Laws of the State in Force at the Present Time. Springfield: E.L. & W.L. Gross, 1870. From Google Books.
Gross, Eugene L, and William L. Gross. The Statutes of Illinois: An Analytical Digest of All the General Laws of the State in Force at the Present Time : Official and Standard, by Act of the Legislature : 1818 to [1874]. Springfield: E.L. & W.L. Gross, 1872. In 3 volumes. Available from Google Books. See links below
- Volume I - Laws 1818 to 1869.
- Volume II - Laws 1818 to 1872.
- Volume III - Acts of 1873-1874
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, A.D. 1874: Comprising the Revised Acts of 1871-2 and 1873-4, Together with All Other General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of July, 1874. Springfield: Illinois Journal Co, 1874. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1877: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 and 1877, Being All the General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of July, 1877. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1877. From Google Books.
Underwood, William H, Robert A. Halbert, and Elijah M. Haines. Statutes of Illinois Construed: Containing the Statutes of 1874 as amended by the Acts of 1875 and 1877. St. Louis, Mo: W.J. Gilbert, 1878. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1880: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, and 1879, Being All the General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of February, 1880. Chicago [Ill.: Chicago Legal News Co, 1880. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1881. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1881. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1882: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881 and 1882; Being All the General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of December, 1882; Compiled and Edited, 1882. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1883, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1883. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1883: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882 and 1883, Being All the General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of October, 1883. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1883. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1883, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1884. From Google Books.
Starr, Merritt, and Curtis, Russell H. Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force January 1, 1885: Embracing the Revision of 1874, and All General Statutes Enacted Since Such Revision, so Far As in Force, with Digested Notes of Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions by the Courts of Illinois and of the United States, and Historical Notes Comparing the Present Statutes with Previous Legislation. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1885. From Google Books. Three volumes, See links below.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1885: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1885, Being All the General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of September, 1885. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1885. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1887, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Co, 1887. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1887: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874", and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1887, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of November, 1887. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1887. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force Jan. 1, 1889, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Meyers and Co, 1889. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1889: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874", and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1889, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of September, 1889. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1889. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1891. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1891. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1891: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1891, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of October, 1891. Chicago: Chicago legal news Co, 1891. From the Internet Archive.
Starr, Merritt, and Curtis, Russell H. Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois: Supplement Embracing Session Laws of 1885-1892, with Digested Notes of Decisions on the General Statutes of the State. Chicago: Callaghan, 1892. From Google Books.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1893: with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Company, 1893. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1893: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1893, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of November, 1893. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1893. From the Internet Archive.
Cothran, George W. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1895, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Co, 1895. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1895: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1895, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of December, 1895. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1895. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Starr, Merritt, Curtis, Russell H., Jones, Walter C. and Addington, Keene H. Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force May 1, 1896: Embracing the Revision of 1874, and All General Statutes Enacted Since Such Revision, so Far As in Force, with Digested Notes of Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions by the Courts of Illinois and of the United States, and Historical Notes Comparing the Present Statutes with Previous Legislation. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1896. In 3 volumes. All volumes available from Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1897: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1897, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of December, 1897. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1897. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1898: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1898, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of May, 1898. Chicago: Chicago legal news Co, 1898. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1899: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874", and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1899. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1899. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1901: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1901, Being All Together with the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of January, 1902. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1901. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Jones, Walter C, Addington, Keene H.and Starr, Merritt. Jones and Addington's Second Supplement: To Starr and Curtis's Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force July 1, 1903, Embracing All General Statutes Enacted Since 1901. Chicago: Callaghan, 1903. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1903: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 ... [to] 1903, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of January, 1904. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1904. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1905. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1906. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B, and B B. Helmer. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1908: Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1909, Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended of 1875 ... [to] 1905. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1908. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1908: Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1909, Comprising The "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended of 1875 ... 1905 ... to Which Is Added All the General Acts of 1906, 1907 and 1908. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Company, 1908. From Google Books.
Helmer, B B, and Harvey B. Hurd. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1909: Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1910, Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended of 1875 ... [to] 1905, to Which Are Added All the General Acts of 1906 ... 1909. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Company, 1910. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B, and Helmer, B. B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1912: Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force October 1, 1912, Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended of 1875 ... [to] 1905. ... to Which Are Added All the General Acts of 1906 ... [to] 1912. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1912. From Google Books.
Jones, Walter C, and Keene H. Addington. Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois, in Force January 1, 1913: Embracing the Revision of 1874, and All General Statutes Enacted Since Such Revision, so Far As in Force, with Digested Notes of Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions by the Courts of Illinois and of the United States, and Historical Notes Comparing the Present Statutes with Previous Legislation. Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1913. Available in 6 Volumes. See links below.
- Volume I. From Google Books.
- Volume V.From Google Books.
- Volume VI. From Google Books.
- Volumes II, III & IV. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Courtright, William H. Courtright's Illinois Statutes: Containing All the General Laws Now in Force, Including Those Passed by the Legislature of 1915. As Heretofore Published in the Revised Statutes of 1874 and the Session Laws for the Years 1875 ... [to] 1915; and Editors' Notes Showing from Where the Act Was Taken, Together with Citation of Volume, Page and Section of the Revised Statutes and Session Laws. Chicago: The W.H. Courtright Pub. Co, 1916. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B. The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1915-1916: Containing All the General Statutes of the State Now in Force and Those Passed to May 1, 1916, in Force July 1, 1916. Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874," and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended of 1875 ... [to] 1905. to Which Are Added All the General Acts of 1906 ... [to] 1915, with the General Acts Passed at the First Special Session of 1915-1916 and Those of the Second Special Session Up to May 1, 1916. Chicago: Chicago legal news Company, 1916. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Hurd, Harvey B, and Helmer, B B. Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1917: Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1918 : Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874", and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended, of 1875 ... [to] 1905 : to Which Are Added All the General Acts of 1906 ... [to] 1917. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1918. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Cahill, James C, and Jones, Basil. Callaghan's Illinois Statutes Annotated, 1917-1920: Embracing All General Acts Passed from January 1, 1917, to and Including July 1, 1919, Together with Exhaustive Annotations. Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1920. From Google Books.
Hurd, Harvey B, and B B. Helmer. Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1921, Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1922: Comprising the "revised Statutes of 1874" and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts As Modified or Amended, of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1901, 1903 and 1905. Chicago: Chicago legal news Co, 1921. From Google Books.
Cahill, James C. Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois: Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force January 1, 1922. Chicago: Callaghan, 1922. From the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
The Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, 1921: Comprising All the Statutory Law of a General Character in Force January 1, 1922. Chicago: B.J. Smith, 1922. From Google Books.
The most recent Illinois Compiled Statutes, the official compilation of current Illinois laws organized by subject, are also available online.
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