Journal Articles
The following finding aid to the collection of published and unpublished scholarly materials, (excluding books) lists those articles, chapters of books, and typescripts which have been compiled for the Center for Icarian Studies. All extant articles, chapters, and typescripts are filed in the Center's collection, except the articles on the Icarians which have been published in Western Illinois Regional Studies. A complete run of this journal is available in the Archives and Special Collections. The finding aid lists materials alphabetically by author.
- Albertson, Ralph. "A Survey of Mutualistic Communities in America,"
- The Iowa Journal of History and Politics, October, 1936, pp. 375-444.
- Angle, Paul. "An Illinois Paradise: The Icarians at Nauvoo,"
- Chicago History, Spring, 1965, pp. 199-209.
- Armstrong, Gary. "Utopians in Clayton County, Iowa,"
- Annals of Iowa, Spring 1972, pp. 923-938.
- Barnes, Sherman B. "An Icarian in Nauvoo,"
- Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, 1941, pp. 233-244.
- Begos, Jane Dupree. "Document: Henri Levi's 'The Perilous Voyage to Icaria'"
- Communal Societies 3 (1983), pp. 147-157.
- Begos, Jane Dupree. "'Icaria', A Footnote to the Peters Colony"
- Communal Societies 6 (1986), pp. 84-92.
- Beitz, Ruth. "Icaria: Troubled Utopia,"
- (journal source unknown), pp. 17-24, 50.
- Blick, Boris and H. Roger Grant. "French Icarians in St. Louis,"
- Bulletin Missouri Historical Society, October, 1973, pp. 3-28.
- Blick, Boris and H. Roger Grant. "Life in New Icaria, Iowa: A Nineteenth Century Utopian Community"
- Annals of Iowa, Winter, 1974, p. 198-204.
- Brooks, George R. "Some New Views of Old Cheltenham,"
- Bulletin Missouri Historical Society, October, 1965, pp. 32-34.
- Bush, Robert D. "Communism, Community and Charisma: the Crisis in Icaria at Nauvoo,"
- The Old Northwest, December, 1977, pp. 409-428.
- Chandler, Josephine Craven. "Twice Tried Utopia Among Illinois Towns,"
- Welfare Magazine, December, 1928, pp. 1350-1357.
- Chicoineau, Jacques C. "Dances, Music and Theater in Nauvoo,"
- Western Illinois Regional Studies, Spring, 1979, pp. 5-19.
- Egbert, Donald D. and Stowe Person. "Topic 7"
- in Socialism and American Life, vol. 2 (Princeton, H.J.: Princeton University Press), 1952, p. 137-140.
- Friman, Maude M. "The History of the Icarian Colony, Adams County,"
- (typescript in the Historical Society of Iowa) dated January 1942, 7 pages.
- Gallaher, Ruth A. "Icaria and the Icarians,"
- The Palimpsest, April, 1921, pp. 97-112.
- Garno, Diana M. "Femmes - Famille - Fraternite in Icaria: Marie & Alexis Marchand in the 1880s"
- Paper presented at 28th Annual Meeting National Icarian Heritage Society, May 30-June 2, 1996, Corning, IA.
- Garno, Diana M. "Mme Denise (Lesage) Cabet: An Icarian feminist"
- Paper presented at 26th Annual National Icarian Heritage Society Weekend, Nauvoo, IL, July 14-17, 1994.
- Garno, Diana M. "Obstacles to Icarian Social Architecture: Combating the Resistance of Women to the Rules and Discipline of the Community"
- Paper presented at the Twenty-first Annual Communal Studies Conference, Oneida, New York, October 6-9, 1994.
- Garno, Diana M. "'Triumph of Reason' and the 'Romance' in Etienne Cabet's Voyage en Icarie."
- Paper presented at Society for Utopian Studies 19th Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, Oct. 13-16, 1994.
- Gauthier, Paul. "Icarian Community Colorful Chapter in Adams County History"
- In Centennial History of Corning and Adams County, Iowa, 1957, pp. 22-23.
- Grant, H. Roger. "Icarians and American Utopianism,"
- Illinois Quarterly, February, 1972, pp. 5-15.
- Grant, H. Roger. "Utopias That Failed: The Antebellum Years,"
- Western Illinois Regional Studies, Spring, 1979, pp. 38-51.
- Gray, Charles. "The Icarian Community,"
- Annals of Iowa, July 1903, pp. 107-114.
- Gundy, Lloyd W. "Etienne Cabet A Genealogical Test of Graphoanalysis"
- National Genealogical Society Quarterly, March, 1990, pp. 39-49.
- Hausheer, Herman. "Icarian Medicine: Etienne Cabet's Utopia and its French Medical Background,"
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine, May 19741, pp. 294-310, 401-435, 517-529.
- Hinds, William A. "Icarian Community"
- In American Communities (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith), 1971, pp. 62-80.
- Hine, Robert V. "The Icarian Sperenza Commune,"
- Chapter 4 of California's Utopian Communities (San Marino, California: Huntington Library, 1953) pp. 58-77.
- Holloway, Mark. "Icaria,"
- Chapter 11 of Heaven on Earth: Utopian Communities in America, 1680-1880 (New York: Dover Press, 1960) pp. 198-211.
- "Icaria--Wandering Country,"
- Missouri Historical Review, April, 1943, pp. 328-330.
- Johnson, Christopher H. "Communism and the Working Class Before Marx: the Icarian Experience,"
- American Historical Review, June, 1971, pp. 642-689.
- Johnson, Christopher H. "Etienne Cabet and the Problem of Class Antagonism,"
- (source unknown), pp. 403-443.
- King, Henry. "M. Cabet and the Icarians,"
- The Lakeside Monthly, October, 1871, pp. 289-298.
- Lauer, Jeanette C. & Robert H. Lauer. "Cheltenham: The Search for Bliss in Missouri"
- Missouri Historical Review, January, 1987, pp. 173-183.
- Miller, I.G. "The Icarian Community of Nauvoo, Illinois,"
- Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1906, pp. 103-107.
- Moore, Benita. "From Paris to Prairie: the Story of the Icarians,"
- (typescript, 1980) 22 pages, notes.
- Moorehead, S. W. "Icaria and the Icarians,"
- The Western Magazine, July, 1877, pp. 161-168.
- Nordoff, Charles. "The Icarians"
- In Communistic Societies of the United States (New York: Hillary House Publishers, Ltd.), 1960, pp. 333-339.
- Prevos, Andre. "A History of the French in Iowa,"
- (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1981) pp. 228-286.
- Queen, Stuart and David B. Carpenter. "Cheltenham,"
- The American City New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953) pp. 128-130.
- Ranciere, Jacques. "Le voyage d'Icare,"
- Chapter 12 in La Nuit des Proletarires (Paris, France: Fayard, 1981) pp. 356-426.
- Rees, Thomas. "Nauvoo, Illinois, Under Mormon and Icarian Occupation,"
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society January, 1929, pp. 514-521.
- Roberts, Leslie J. "Etienne Cabet and his Voyage en Icarie, 1840"
- Utopian Studies, 1991, pp. 77-94.
- Rogers, Elizabeth Ann. "Housing and Family Life on the Icarian Colonies,"
- (M.A. Thesis, University of Iowa 1973) pp. 63-206.
- Rude, Fernand. "Voyage en Icarie Deux Ouvriers Viennois aux Etats-Unis"
- en 1955 (Paris: Presses Universitaires De France, reprint 1952.)
- Sargent, Lyman Tower. "English and American Utopias: Similarities and Differences,"
- The Journal of General Education, Spring, 1976, pp. 16-22.
- Sargent, Lyman Tower. "The Icarians in Iowa,"
- Annals of Iowa, n.d., pp. 957-968.
- Savage, Nadine Dormoy. "Jules Leroux in Icarie,"
- The French Review, May, 1976, pp. 1025-1040.
- Smith, Martha Browning. "The Story of Icaria,"
- Annals of Iowa, Summer, 1965, pp. 36-64.
- Smithson, Rulon, with Robert P. Sutton. "'Mon Cher Emile'"
- The Cabet-Baxter Letters, 1854-1855,: Western Illinois Regional Studies, Spring, 1979, pp. 20-37.
- Smithson, Rulon. "Nauvoo Icaria: Occupations"
- Snyder, Lillian, ed. "Assimilation of the Icarians and Their Descendants into American Life"
- Symposium papers, Icarian Weekend in Nauvoo, July 20, 1988. (Macomb, Illinois: Quick Copy).
- Snyder, Lillian. "Contributions of Icarian, Alfred Piquenard, to Architecture in Iowa and Illinois,"
- Communal Societies, Vol. 6, 1986, pp. 163-170.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Day in the Life of Emile Baxter in the Icarian Colony in Nauvoo, Illinois"
- (paper given at Symposium, Icarian Weekend in Nauvoo) July 19, 1987.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Dissension in the Icarian Community: Implications for Growth and Dissolution"
- July 18, 1971.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Etienne Cabet as a Husband, a Father, and a Leader of Men,"
- Nauvoo Independent, July 25, 1973.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Etienne Cabet was Pioneer Women's Libber,"
- Nauvoo Independent, July 26, 1972.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Family Life in the Icarian Colony"
- International Journal of Sociology of the Family, Vol. 13, Autumn, 1983, pp. 83-95.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Icaria at Nauvoo"
- Historic Illinois, February 1982, pp. 5-7, 12.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Icarian Living History Museum Report of Papers Presented at Pre-Opening of Museum"
- April 21, 1990, 11 pp.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Icarians: an Experiment in 'True Christianity'"
- Hancock County Journal-Pilot, July 10, 1979.
- Snyder, Lillian, "ed. Report of Dedication Ceremony for Icarian Living History Museum"
- Presented at Twentieth Icarian Weekend, Nauvoo, Illinois, July 9, 1988, 12 pp.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Search for Brotherhood, Peace and Justice: a Description of the Icarian Movement"
- In Saccaro Del Buffa, Guiseppa & Arthur O. Lewis: Utopie per Gli Anni Ottanta (Roma: Gangemi Editore, 1986) pp. 737-750.
- Snyder, Lillian. "Socialization and Education of the Children in the Icarian Colony in Nauvoo, Illinois 1849-1860"
- Paper presented at International Conference: "Kibbutz and Communes--Past and Future"
- University of Tel Aviv, Israel, May 20, 1985.
- Sutton, Robert P. "Earthly Paradise': The Icarian Experiement in St. Louis"
- Gateway Heritage, Spring, 1992, pp. 48-59.
- Sutton, Robert P. "Etienne Cabet and the Nauvoo Icarians,"
- Illinois Magazine, March-April, 1985, pp. 7-11.
- Sutton, Robert P. "Experiments in Communitarianism,"
- Chapter 3 in Illinois Its History and Legacy, Roger D. Bridges and Rodney P. Davis, editors (St. Louis: River City Press, 1985).
- Sutton, Robert P. "The Icarian Communities in America, 1848-1898,"
- Communities Journal of Cooperation, Winter, 1985, pp. 43-50.
- Sutton, Robert P. "Voyage to Icaria: A Message to the World,"
- Humanistic Values of the Icarian Movement, Lillian Snyder, ed., (Carthage, Illinois: n.p., 1979) pp. 14-25.
- Teackle, Thomas. "History and Constitution of the Icarian Community,"
- The Iowa Journal of History and Politics, April, 1917, pp. 214-286.
- Van Loo, Elma. "Utopia in Illinois,"
- Illinois Libraries, February, 1970, pp. 144-149. Vestal, Pearl Gordon. "Nauvoo Icarians Had Many Skills, Century Ago" Burlington Hawk-eye Gazette, March 20, 1956 (includes listing of Icarian references in P.G. Vestal's personal library).
- Webber, Everett. "Icaria"
- Chapter 13 in Escape to Utopia (New York: Hastings House Publishers), 1959, pp. 223-237.
- Wheeler, Wayne, et al. "Icarian Communism: A Preliminary Exploration in Historiography, Bibliography, and Social Theory"
- Communes: Historical and Contemporary, ed. Ruth S. Cavan and Man S. Das (New Delhi: Vikas Pub. House, 1979).
- Wick, Barthinius. "The Icarian Community--Story of Etienne Cabet's Experiment in Communism,"
- The Midland Monthly, April, 1895, pp. 370-376.
- Wittke, Carl. "The Utopian Communist: A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling Nineteenth-Century Reformer"
- (Baton Rouge, Louisiana: State University Press, n.d.) (pp. 176-178 deal with Weitling's visit to Nauvoo in 1851).
- Yates, Louis A. R. "Literary Allusions to American Experiments in Social Utopias,"
- (Waltair, England: Andhra University Press, 1963.)
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