Emile Baxter: A Biographical Sketch
Emile Baxter, the elder of two sons, was born in Saint Quintin, France in 1825. His brother died in his early youth. Emile was the son of John and Marie Antoinette (Guilment) Baxter, born in Scotland, was a soldier who served as a commander of artillery at the battle of Waterloo under the Duke of Wellington and was given a medal in recognition of his able military service. He was well pleased with France and settled in Saint Quintin following his marriage. There he engaged in the manufacture of lace which was exported to the United States through his cousin, E. S. Jaffray, a New York importer.
Emile attended the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and on completing his education he accepted a position with the firm of Hennequin and Company, a large importer of laces, dry goods, etc. in New York City in 1846. He lived in Connecticut where he met Annette Powell, the third of six children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell. She was born in France on December 2, 1828 and was educated in France and England. Her father was born in Leicester, England on December 17, 1801. The family came to the United States about 1847. Thomas Powell was engaged in the manufacture of cotton in Waterbury, Connecticut. Annette taught French at Miss Porter's School in Farmington, Connecticut before her marriage to Emile Baxter on July 29, 1852 in Meriden, Connecticut. They set up housekeeping in Newark, New Jersey (51 Congress Street) where Emile was employed as a bookkeeper. They were parents of six children: Emile Edward Jaffray (5/13/53), Alfred J. (2/28/55), Annette (2/28/57), Thomas P. (2/12/59), Cecil J. (2/15/61), and Bertha (2/17/63). Annette Powell Baxter died on July 29, 1863 about six mmonths following the birth of her last child. Emile Baxter then married Mary Weimer a native of Vienna, Austria on May 21, 1864. ONe child was born to this union, Laura Adelle (5/14/65). Emile Baxter died in 1895 followed by his second wife in 1911.
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