Fire Program News & Announcements

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Posted Nov 9, 2019

We are now accepting applications for our Spring Fire Academy. 12 S.H + ProBoard FF 1 certification. See your adviser today.


We Now Have A Masters Program!

The M.A. in Public Safety Administration has been approved. It features three tracks, one in LEJA,  another in Emergency Management and NOW one in Fire Administration. This program is eligible for intgrated  study. (B.S. in Fire Studies &  an M.A in Public Safety Administration. You can receive both degrees in 5 years.  EFO grads, your applied research papers can be leveraged into college credit!   If interested in post grad study please contact either Director Jill Joline Myers or Graduate Adviser Todd Lough at, or by calling 309 - 298 - 1038.


Intersted in our Spring fire Accademy? Contact Professor and Chief Joseph Henning, Director Myers, or your advisor. 


We want to make you aware of a scholarship for Illinois firefighters working (or volunteering) at a fire station that is a member of the Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts.  The scholarship is available for Fall application.  The firefighter must be currently enrolled in fire related coursework and must have completed a fire related course Spring or Summer at WIU. 

 If your legal residence is in Illinois, and you are a firefighter (volunteer, paid on call, full time, etc.) who is employed at a fire department that is a member of the Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts, you may be eligible for an award.

You are encouraged to review the attached scholarship criteria and submit your applications per the scholarship criteria and guidelines. 



Omega Gamma Phi meetings are occuring over zoom.  Contact Faculty advisor Russell Greene at for more information. 

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