Fire Administration Option   (Online Delivery)

The Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Services Administration option is designed for current firefighters and officers preparing for leadership positions in the fire service.  In order to accommodate time and distance demands the program is delivered on line.  

Attaining a chief officers position is difficult. Competition is fierce and the testing procedure is exhaustive. More demanding yet are the responsibilities and duties of a chief fire officer. The last 25 years have seen remarkable changes in the fire service. Advances in technology, increasing service demands, declining revenues, expanding government regulations, and an increasingly diverse workforce have conspired to transform the role of the 21st century chief officer. Training and experience are valuable tools in career development however; in order to compete and succeed as a leader in the modern fire service you need an education!

 Program requirements

120 semester hours are required for the B.S. degree in Fire Services Administration, including 43 hours of general education credits.  Of those 120 total semester hours, 60  must be from a four-year college or university; and at least 42 must be earned in upper division courses.  A minimum of 30 hours must be taken from WIU.  The Fire Administration option requires 48 hours in the discipline.

Program content

The Fire Administration curriculum  places focus on the knowledge and skills needed to successfully manage and lead a modern fire department.  Foundation courses focus on introductions to the fire service, firefighter safety, fire tactics, fire prevention, ethics and fire service law.  Specialty courses focus on fire service management, financial practices, leadership,  disaster planning, research techniques, human behavior, collective bargaining, code enforcement, suppression systems. (see course catalog for complete course listings)

Fire Administration Curriculum
Core Courses Option Courses  Directed Electives  Open Electives
15 Semester Hours 33 semester Hours 6 Semester Hours 23 Semester Hours

FS 210
FS 211
FS 212
FS 345
FS 485

FS 300
FS 444
FS 481
FS 482
FS 483 
FS 484
FS 488
SOC 487
SOC 488
FS 477
FS 478


HRM 353
HRM 443
POLS 300
POLS 302
FS 486
FS 443
LEJA 231
HS 400
EM 461


 Optional Minor or
discretionary classes


Fire Administration Minor

The Fire Administration minor is designed  to support students in the  Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) Fire program.  It  is an 18 semester hour program delivered online.  Courses focus on Human Resource (HR) requirements for the fire service, fire administration, ethics, firefighter safety, fire service law, and research.

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