Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Theses and Dissertations

*** Dissertation students should follow the guidelines as outlined in the School of Education's Dissertation Handbook ***

Format, style, method of presenting bibliographies, etc., vary in departments depending on the subject matter field of the thesis/dissertation. In spite of differences, however, some uniformity is expected in all theses/dissertations submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for advanced degrees. The following are certain points of information which may be useful to students in preparing theses/dissertations. Along with certain requirements are suggestions which should be followed, unless the student is otherwise directed by his departmental thesis/dissertation committee and/or his Advisor. 

The thesis or dissertation is a final document and not a copy document for submission to a journal. The Graduate School Guidelines, which reflect the formatting recommendations of ProQuest as well as many of the recent advancements in publication technology, specify these important differences. They are:

1. The thesis or dissertation must not carry running headings;
2. Tables and figures are placed where they belong in the dissertation and no notation is placed in the text as "Table 1 here".

General Instructions
Responsibility for Preparation and Evaluation
Suggested Writing Style
Formatting Guidelines
Graduation Information
ETD Submission Process
FAQs Regarding Electronic Submission

Sample pages