Educational Studies

"As a practicing teacher, I have found myself constantly incorporating what I have learned through the program into my daily practice.  Since my first semester in the program, I have found myself more engaged and reflective about my own teaching.  The renewed energy and focus I have as a result of the contagious passion and enthusiasm of my professors have launched me into a new era in my career.: -- Susan Raley

"The thing that I like most about the EDS program is the exceptional quality of the instructors.  In addition to being experts of the material, the professors for the EDS program are highly skilled educators who put the theoretical work of education into classroom practice on a daily basis.  I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn about education from such an amazing group of educational professionals." -- Seth Knappen


  • Professional Education
  • Language, Culture and Education

Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

Program Overview

The School of Education offers a Master of Science in Education degree in Educational Studies (EDS), which is offered entirely online. The program allows for an individually tailored program of study, fostering a solid base of knowledge and skills in education and closely aligned disciplines. Individuals are prepared to function effectively as professionals in public or private educational or related human service settings.

Why Choose Educational Studies at WIU?

At a time when the ability to make data-driven, research based decisions is increasingly becoming an expected skill for master teachers, we stress the development of this critical skill as an integral part of our core graduate program across both of our EDS graduate options. Of course, this is not the sole focus of our program. We offer a focus on language culture and education that pairs with the ESL endorsement sequence for licensed teachers, and the post-baccalaureate TESOL program. We also have a student designed professional education track with room for open electives. Our program is interdisciplinary in orientation, allowing the degree candidate to develop a rich grasp of central issues and problems in education from the perspective of several key disciplines including psychology, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology. Whichever option you pursue, we think you will find the experience exhilarating and inspiring. We welcome and look forward to your participation should you choose to join us.

Our Faculty

The ES program faculty are comprised of scholar-practitioners representing several core disciplines including educational psychology, sociocultural studies, philosophical, and historical studies. Faculty members utilize their distinctive disciplinary orientations and accompanying methodologies to collectively address pressing educational, intellectual, and social concerns. It is the union of an unusually diverse faculty and an uncommon approach to inquiry that makes the department and its degree options interdisciplinary. More

Possible Careers

  • Professional advancement and additional endorsement areas for P-12 teachers
  • Postsecondary and Adult Educators
  • Educational Consultants, Researchers, or Policy Analysts
  • Educational Professionals in schools, industry, non-profit, and other settings

Extracurricular Activities

ABBES - Association of Bilingual/Bicultural Education Students

Quick View

Degrees Available:

  • M.S.Ed.


  • Online

Required GPA:

  • Cumulative: 2.75
  • Last 2 years: N/A

Admission Requirements:

  • Interview
  • Transcripts

Interesting Facts: Fall 2023

  • Currently enrolled: 34
  • International: 3
  • Minority: 11
  • Students with Assistantships: 0

Department Contact Information:

Horrabin Hall 115