Computer Science
Program Overview
Computer scientists impact society through their work in many areas. The advancement of technology has transformed the way and speed with which individuals work, communicate, and exchange information. As we now depend daily on the stability and reliability of our technology systems, there is a very strong demand for individuals with a background in computer science. Graduate-level computer scientists are generally hired to work with the next generation of technology in areas such as computer systems, networking, database administration, operating systems, search engines, software engineering, and custom applications.
Western also offers an integrated bachelor’s/master’s program for students currently enrolled in the undergraduate program at Western.
Why Choose Computer Science at WIU?
- Excellent, dedicated faculty
- Coursework in a variety of subjects
- Accessible and available computing equipment
- Preparation for research and commercial careers
- Assistantships offered
- A friendly, caring atmosphere
- Exciting opportunities to work with faculty on research
- Access to the best of current software
Our Faculty
Department faculty have a variety of experience, degrees, and research interests. The faculty have doctorates from such universities as Florida State University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Northwestern University, Southern Methodist University, SUNY Buffalo, University of Illinois, University of Iowa, and University of Western Ontario. Their current research interests are in the areas of artificial intelligence, computer architecture, databases, distributed processing, graphics, languages, networking, simulation, and software engineering.
Possible Careers
- Software developer
- Systems administrator
- Research analyst
- Game developer/programmer
- Application developer
- Database administrator
- Systems programmer
- Chief information officer
- Software tester
Extracurricular Activities
Computer Science Association (CSA) - CSA is WIU's student chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). Its objective is to provide further knowledge and experience in the area of computer science and its related disciplines.
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Degrees Available:
- M.S.
- Integrated Bachelors/Masters
- Macomb
Required GPA:
- Cumulative: 2.75 or
- Last 2 years: 3.0
Admission Requirements
- Transcripts
Interesting Facts: Fall 2023
- Currently enrolled: 307
- International: 296
- Minority: 4
- Students with Assistantships: 12
Department Contact Information:
Stipes Hall 447
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