Graduate Council Minutes - September 10, 2018

3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Horrabin Hall 60/QC 2108

Members Present: H. Hemphill (Chair), A. Hyde, J. Laurent, B. Locke (Vice Chair), J. McQuillan, S. Szyjka

Members Absent: C. Harbke

Guests Present: L. Oden

Ex-Officio Present: M. Mossman

Others Present: A. Schulz


A. Request for a late withdrawal

1. Communication

Student was in attendance. Student explained that she has ongoing medical issues and was experiencing symptoms but did not get them checked out right away. She switched medications and is now getting routine checkups but did miss several courses during the previous semester due to this.

Motion: To approve the request. (Hyde/Locke)

2. Educational Leadership

Student was not present. Student has taken the course a second time and received an A. A registration error appears to have occurred.

Motion: To approve the request. (Laurent/McQuillan)

3. Educational Studies

Student was in attendance. Student explained that she was a teacher and was enrolled as part of a cohort. The class was offered during a transitional time in her life and career. Student stated that she was unfamiliar with STARS as it was her first semester and will have to take the course later. Dr. Hyde added that the department takes responsibility in the error in the student not getting withdrawn in time.

Motion: To approve the request. (McQuillan/Locke)


A. Academic integrity incident reports filed in the School of Graduate Studies, May – August 2018 (1)

1. Resolved at the instructor level – 1

B. Requests to serve as a reader on exit option committee,  May – August 2018 (1)

1. Biology (1) – approved

C. Graduate Committee Chair fall semester meeting – September 26, 2018

Ms. Schulz announced the date for the fall Graduate Committee Chair meeting and added that Council members would receive an emailed reminder notice about the meeting. Dr. Mossman provided a brief overview of some of the topics to be covered including developing and implementing recruitment strategies as well as developing a comprehensive strategy for foundation accounts.

D. Temporary Graduate Faculty approvals for 2018-2019

Ms. Schulz provided Council members with the current list of those approved to receive temporary graduate faculty status for the 2018-2019 academic year.

E. Graduate Student Research and Professional Development Fund

Ms. Schulz requested a sub-committee of one member from each college be formed to review the fall applications for the Graduate Student Research and Professional Development award recipients. Graduate Council members will serve on the committees as follows:

Fall 2018 semester: Dr. Laurent, Dr. Locke, Dr. McQuillan, and Dr. Szyjka
Spring 2019 semester: Dr. Hemphill, Dr. Hyde, and Dr. Kapale

A date in mid-October will be established for the fall selection meeting. Ms. Schulz will provide copies of the applications and evaluation forms. She will also schedule a location for the meeting and notify all involved.

F. Student Learning Assessment Committee

Dr. Mossman announced that a representative from the Graduate Council needs to serve on the Student Learning Assessment Committee. Dr. Hemphill volunteered to serve in this role.


Dr. Hemphill asked Council members to begin a discussion regarding student appeals in general and specifically those asking for a waiver of the C rule for the second time. Ms. Schulz noted that she emailed the C rule policy, student appeal process, and student right of academic appeal to Council members earlier in the day per Dr. Hemphill’s request. Dr. Laurent stated that he would like to see department recommendations more thoroughly written with more specific information as to why the department is recommending approval or denial. Discussion was held regarding the student’s right to appeal. Suggestions for the appeal process included possible guidelines for Council members to follow; sharing best practices with department chairs; and a possible document about how to handle appeals that could be shared with departments. Discussion was held regarding the petition form and appeal process. Council members determined that this topic should be added to the agenda for the Graduate Committee Chair meeting in the fall to find out what would be helpful to department chairs and graduate committee chairs so that petitions submitted to the Council are received in a timely manner and provide enough relevant information.


Meeting adjourned:  4:02 p.m.