Graduate Council Minutes - February 5, 2018

3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Horrabin Hall 60/QC 2203

Members Present: J. Ehrlich, H. Hemphill, A. Hyde, K. Kapale (Vice Chair), J. Laurent (Chair), J. Stegall, S. Szyjka

Members Absent: M. Stryker

Guests Present: G. Woodruff, C. Piletic, A. Hart, P. White, D. Yoder, T. Cody, K. Daytner

Ex-Officio Present: N. Parsons

Others Present: A. Schulz


A. Request to hold an assistantship with less than a 3.0 graduate GPA

1. Accountancy

Student and Dr. Woodruff were present. Student explained that she took a challenging course that dropped her GPA. She has a plan in place for completion of her coursework.

Motion: To approve the request. (Kapale/Hemphill)

B. Request to waive the 6-hour C rule

1. Kinesiology

Student and Drs. Piletic and Hart were in attendance. Student stated that he earned low grades at the beginning of graduate school. He then changed programs because it did not seem like the right fit. Student added that these grades are not a reflection of who he is and wants a chance to prove that moving forward. Dr. Piletic noted that the student struggled with the transition from undergrad to graduate but is getting there and just took a little longer than expected. Dr. Kapale asked about a specific action items to increase the GPA. Student responded that he is going to utilize office hours, study at the library, and use the writing center to give himself the best advantage.

Motion: To approve the request. (Kapale/Stegall)

2. Sport Management

Student and Dr. Hart were present. Student explained that he started in a different graduate program and earned the initial two low grades. He then switched programs and earned an additional low grade because it was in an area that he had no background in at all. Dr. Hemphill asked about his current course registration. Dr. Hart noted that paperwork would be sent forth regarding a substitution if this petition is approved.

Motion: To approve the request. (Hemphill/Ehrlich)
MOTION CARRIED 7 YES – 0 NO – 0 AB          

C. Request for a late total university withdrawal

1. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration

Student was present. Information was provided regarding her family situation that led to her going home during the semester more than expected. Dr. Hemphill asked for clarification on her exit option. Student responded that she will complete courses in the summer instead of spring.

Motion: To approve the request. (Hyde/Hemphill)

2. Museum Studies

Student and Dr. White were both in attendance via conference call. Student explained that persistent health issues prevented him from completing the coursework required during that semester and incompletes converted to failing grades. He currently has reduced his workload and has his health condition under control. Dr. Kapale asked about previous withdrawals. Student indicated that his issue went undiagnosed for a period of time and his health fluctuated. Dr. Ehrlich questioned the department support. Dr. White stated that she would like the student to slowly come back into the program.

Motion: To approve the request. (Kapale/Hyde)

3. Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration

Student and Dr. Yoder were present. Student stated that head injuries have contributed to difficulties in the classroom and it has been an ongoing issue. Documentation was provided that supports the injury. Dr. Yoder noted that there have been several ongoing issues with the student’s academic performance. Discussion was held regarding the documentation and relationship with the department.

Motion: To deny the request. (Ehrlich/Kapale)


A. Academic integrity incident reports filed in the School of Graduate Studies, December 2017 (5)

B. Requests to serve as a reader on exit option committee, December 2017 (1)

1. Chemistry (1) - approved

C. Graduate Committee Chair spring semester meetings – February 7 and April 11, 2018

Ms. Schulz announced the dates for the upcoming Graduate Committee Chair meetings. The meetings are for graduate committee chairs to stay informed of policies and information concerning graduate education at WIU.

D. Temporary Graduate Faculty approvals for 2017-2018

Ms. Schulz provided Council members with a list of all faculty members approved for temporary graduate faculty status for the 2017-2018 academic year.

E. Graduate Student Research and Professional Development Fund

Ms. Schulz announced that applications for the Graduate Student Research and Professional Development fund are due to programs by February 15 and then to the School of Graduate Studies by March 1. The sub-committee of the Graduate Council consisting of Drs. Ehrlich, Hyde, Laurent, and Stegall will plan to meet prior to spring break.

F. Graduate Research Conference – March 2, 2018

Dr. Kapale provided an update regarding the Graduate Research Conference. He noted that the abstract review process is currently underway and there are approximately 89 submissions. The committee is actively seeking faculty volunteers to judge and/or moderate. The keynote presenters this year is Dr. Andrea Porras-Alfaro and her address will focus on how students can be successful in their research endeavors. Dr. Parsons noted that this year is also the 75th Anniversary for graduate education and this will also be recognized at the conference. Dr. Kapale announced the date for next year’s conference as March 22, 2019.


A. Graduate Student Athlete Absences

Dr. Cody addressed the Council in his role as the NCAA Faculty/Athletics representative. He serves as the liaison between Athletics, faculty, and the NCAA. Dr. Cody noted that over the past few years the NCAA policies have changed and more students are graduating after only 3 ½ years as an undergraduate. Student athletes are allowed to transfer into graduate programs and we are seeing more student athletes continue their education. Historically these students went into the Sport Management program at WIU but the students are starting to branch out into other programs. Dr. Cody stated that faculty members with questions regarding graduate student athletes, and potentially their attendance in class, should contact him. Dr. Laurent asked about documentation from the students. Dr. Cody responded that the student should have a letter to present to the instructor that lists the dates of the classes that they will miss. Dr. Parsons added that she will share this information at the Graduate Committee Chair meeting on February 7.

No action required.


None reported.

Meeting adjourned: 4:41 p.m.