Graduate Council Minutes - February 4, 2019

3:00 – 5:00 p.m., Horrabin Hall 60/QC 2108

Members Present: C. Blackinton, H. Hemphill (Chair), A. Hyde, K. Kapale, J. Laurent, B. Locke (Vice Chair), J. McQuillan, S. Szyjka

Guests Present: G. Woodruff, J. Robinett, K. Pawelko, K. Boeckelman, L. Oden

Ex-Officio Present: M. Mossman

Others Present: A. Schulz


A. Request to waive the 6-hour C rule

1. Accountancy

Student was not present but Dr. Woodruff attended on her behalf. Dr. Woodruff provided information regarding the student’s academic decline during the fall semester due to health issues. The student did not notify her instructors or the department of the ongoing health issues until almost the end of the semester. Discussion was held regarding the student’s plan to move forward and the remaining coursework.

Motion: To approve the request. (McQuillan/Locke)

2. Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration

Student was in attendance with Drs. Pawelko and Robinett. Student explained that she has served as caretaker for her terminally ill parent for the last several months but that her parent is responding to treatments and she is now able to come back and work on her degree. Dr. Pawelko stated that the department is not in favor of the petition due to a lack of information provided on the petition as well as not having a clear picture of what changes would be made moving forward. Dr. Locke asked about the student’s plan moving forward. Student stated that she plans to be more proactive in what she needs to do and be better at prioritizing her work. Dr. Hemphill asked about her family member’s current health. Student felt that it was stable and she could focus on coursework. Dr. Locke questioned the amount of courses that were needed to complete the degree. Dr. Robinett stated that there are a significant number of hours that will need to be completed. Discussion regarding grades, grade replacement, and the content of the petition was held.

Motion: To approve the request. (Laurent/Kapale)


A. Erin Taylor, Professor, Political Science

Dr. Boeckelman was in attendance to answer any questions. Dr. Taylor has been a member of the department for several years and it was an oversight to not submit the application previously. A recently discovered error in the graduate catalog made it seem that full graduate faculty status had already been received. Dr. Boeckelman noted that Dr. Taylor has served on exit option committees but they do not have a track within her area so there has not been a need for her to chair a committee yet.

Motion: To approve the request. (Locke/McQuillan)


A. Academic integrity incident reports filed in the School of Graduate Studies, December 2018 (2)

B. Requests to serve as a reader on exit option committee,  December 2018 (0)

C. Graduate Committee Chair spring semester meeting – February 20, 2019

Ms. Schulz announced the date for the spring Graduate Committee Chair meeting and noted that this year there would only be one meeting in the spring. She added that Council members would receive an emailed reminder notice about the meeting. Dr. Mossman provided a brief overview of some of the topics to be covered including recruitment and updates from admissions.

D. Temporary Graduate Faculty approvals for 2018-2019

Per the Operating Paper, Ms. Schulz provided Council members with the current list of those approved to receive temporary graduate faculty status for the 2018-2019 academic year.

E. Graduate Student Research and Professional Development Fund

Ms. Schulz reminded the spring sub-committee that they will need to meet prior to spring break to determine the recipients of the award. The spring sub-committee consists of Ms. Blackinton, Dr. Hemphill, Dr. Hyde, and Dr. Kapale.

F. Graduate Research Conference – March 22, 2019

Ms. Schulz notified Council members of the date of the upcoming Graduate Research Conference and that submissions were being accepted through February 8, 2019. Dr. Amy Mossman is the chair for the research conference this year. Faculty volunteers are needed to serve as judges and moderators.

G. Faculty Senate Summer School Committee

Dr. Hemphill reported that a representative from the Graduate Council needs to serve on the Faculty Senate Summer School Committee. Dr. Hyde volunteered to serve in this role.


A. Educational Studies

1. Request to change graduate program requirements

a. Master of Science in Education in Educational Studies

Dr. Hyde provided background on this request. She stated that the program used to have a portfolio option but changed to an applied project. The program has determined that this no longer meets the needs of the students. Under the new requirements, any scholarly activity would register under the thesis and all others would register under the portfolio. Dr. Hemphill asked if there would be a potential issue with the portfolio being zero credit hours. Dr. Hyde did not foresee an issue. Dr. Szyjka asked for clarification on if the definition of practitioner refers to a teacher in a school and if a current C&I course would be applicable to the students. Dr. Hyde responded that the students are almost always working in higher ed and almost always working as teachers. She also stated that the C&I course would not be applicable at this time. Dr. Laurent asked if there was any discussion regarding leaving EDS 584 as an option for students. Dr. Hyde stated that the program felt it would make it clearer to students to have just the two choices. Discussion was held regarding the work to be completed in each course and the exit option committees.

Motion: To approve the request. (Locke/Kapale)


None reported.


Meeting adjourned: 4:07 p.m.