Graduate Council Minutes - December 4, 2023
3:00 p.m., Virtual
Members Present: P.K. Babu, Roberta Di Carmine, Niyazi Ekici, Hoyet Hemphill (Chair), Steven House (Vice Chair), Todd Lough, Jim McQuillan, Danyang Zhao
Guests Present: Frank Schweitzer, Rafael Obregon, Glenn Daugherty, Renee Polubinsky
Ex-officio Present: Mark Mossman
Others Present: Amanda Schulz
A. Academic integrity incident reports filed in the School of Graduate Studies, November 2023 (0)
A. Kinesiology
1. Request for a new graduate (500 or 600-level) course
a. KIN 539, Instructional Strategies and Research in Physical Education, 3 s.h.
b. KIN 555, Physical Education Content Knowledge, 3 s.h.
c. KIN 565, Physical Education Assessment and Evaluation, 3 s.h.
d. KIN 577, Physical Education Curriculum Construction and Research, 3 s.h.
e. KIN 593, Physical Education Inclusion Strategies for Learners with Disabilities, 3 s.h.
All requests were withdrawn by the department.
B. Law Enforcement and Justice Administration
1. Request for integrated baccalaureate and master’s degree program
a. Bachelor of Science in Fire Science/Master of Arts in Public Safety Administration
Dr. Schweitzer and Dr. Daugherty were present to answer questions. Dr. Hemphill clarified that it was the undergraduate degree in Fire Science to the graduate degree in Public Safety Administration. Dr. Lough noted that this request is essentially the third leg of the department so now all undergraduate students could join an integrated program if they meet requirements. Discussion held over undergraduate courses taken for the Fire Science degree. Dr. McQuillan asked about the inclusion of LEJA 517 and wondered if it is a typo. Dr. Schweitzer confirmed that it should not be included. It was confirmed to remove LEJA 517 and FS 519 from the bridge courses. Dr. Hemphill noted the use of the verb “understand” in the objectives and that “describe” could be a better option for objectives 10 and 11.
Motion: To approve the request with amendments. (Lough/Ekici)
None reported.
Meeting adjourned: 3:14 p.m.
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