
Admission | Courses | Program | Requirements | Profile

Director:  James LaPrad
Graduate Program Coordinator: Melissa Stinnett
Office:  Horrabin Hall 115
Telephone: (309) 298-1183
Program Coordinator E-mail:
Location of Program Offering: Online

Graduate Faculty


  • Marie Cheak, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
  • Melissa Stinnett, Ph.D., University of Illinois

Learning Outcomes

For student learning outcomes, please see

 Program Description

The School of Education offers coursework leading to the Master of Science in Education degree in reading. The objective of the program is to provide elementary and secondary teachers with opportunities to increase their professional competency. The focus is on acquiring an in-depth understanding of both developmental and remedial reading theory and evidence-based instructional practices. The goal is to prepare teachers for a variety of professional positions: as effective elementary and secondary classroom teachers, as reading specialists endorsed to teach in specialized reading programs such as Title I at either the elementary or secondary level, and as K-12 reading specialists and literacy coaches.

 Admission Requirements 

  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 OR 3.0 or higher GPA for the last two years (60 s.h.) of undergraduate work

  • Acceptance by the Departmental Graduate Committee

  • A valid U.S. teaching license

  • Teaching experience (preferred)

 Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Education degree in Reading requires a minimum of 33 semester hours of coursework. 

I. Core Courses: 15 s.h.

EDS 500 Methods of Research (3)
LLA 525 Literature and the Reader (3)
RDG 570 Integrating Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Curriculum (3)
RDG 576 Psychology of Reading (3)
RDG 588 Leadership in Reading (3)

II. Select an area of emphasis: 18 s.h.

A. Reading Specialist emphasis

RDG 568 Foundations of Reading in the Middle and Secondary School (3)
RDG 571 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, K-5 (3)
RDG 573 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, 6-12 (3)
RDG 587 Practicum in Reading K-5 (3)
RDG 589 Practicum in Reading 6-12 (3)
RDG 590 Effective Practices of Literacy Coaching (3)

B. Reading Teacher emphasis

RDG 568 Foundations of Reading in the Middle and Secondary School (3)
RDG 569 Reading in Early Childhood (3)
RDG 580 Reading in the Content Area (3) (required for endorsement)

RDG 571 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, K-5 (3)
RDG 573 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, 6-12 (3)

RDG 587 Practicum in Reading K-5 (3)
RDG 589 Practicum in Reading 6-12 (3)

Approved electives (9)


The student may need to take other courses to meet licensure requirements in the state in which he/she resides.

 Course Descriptions

Reading (RDG)

433G Introduction to Corrective Reading, K-8th grade. (3) A course emphasizing group and individual identification and instructional procedures for corrective reading in primary-aged, elementary grades, and middle level. Prerequisites: EDS 301, LLA 313, RDG 383 and either RDG 584 or RDG 584, or departmental approval; fully accepted into Teacher Education Program (TEP).

508 Phonics for Decoding and Spelling. (3) From an approach that focuses on environmental print and authentic literature experiences, this course examines a variety of aspects of phonological processing: (1) phonological/phonemic awareness, (2) phonics and other word identification strategies, and (3) spelling.

550 Professional Workshop in Reading. (1–3, repeatable) Workshops are usually organized around a particular theme based upon student demand.

553 Integrating Reading and Writing Through Inquiry. (3) This K‑12 course explores relationships between reading and the use of collaborative, authentic reading and writing learning experiences within an inquiry-oriented curriculum.

565 Introduction to Science of Reading. (3) The Science of Reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. Topics include: National Reading Panel, the reading brain, phonological processing, language, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, psychology, dyslexia, and writing. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

568 Foundations of Reading in the Middle and Secondary School. (3) An advanced study of effective literacy instructional techniques, assessments, curricular materials, and literate environments in middle and secondary classrooms within the context of state and national reading standards.

569 Reading in Early Childhood. (3) Designed to help teachers of preschool, kindergarten, and primary grades to plan and design developmentally appropriate programs aimed at facilitating the acquisition of pre‑reading and reading abilities. Emphasis on how early guidance and instructional programs can attend to all aspects of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

570 Integrating Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Curriculum. (3) A foundational course focusing on varied research-based literacy instructional approaches using a wide range of materials (narrative and informational texts and non-print, digital, and online resources) to teach literacy, enhance content area instruction, and create a literate environment.

571 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, K-5. (3) A K-5 course focusing on the selection, interpretation, and implementation of literacy assessment measures and the use of appropriate and varied instructional and intervention techniques, materials, and resources for diverse readers in individual, small group, and classroom settings. Prerequisite: RDG 570.

573 Literacy Assessment, Instruction and Interventions for Diverse Learners, 6-12. (3) A 6-12 course focusing on the selection, interpretation, and implementation of literacy assessment measures and the use of appropriate and varied instructional and intervention techniques, materials, and resources for diverse readers in individual, small group, and classroom settings. Prerequisite: RDG 568.

576 Psychology of Reading. (3) A study of cognitive, linguistic, motivational and sociocultural factors that affect reading and writing processes and development, including culture, native language, human development, language learning, reading disabilities, and the influence of these theoretical perspectives on literacy instruction. Prerequisites: RDG 568, RDG 569, or RDG 570.

580 Reading in the Content Areas. (3) An individually designed course for elementary and secondary reading majors and non‑majors, this introductory course helps enrollees become familiar with concepts and teaching strategies needed to assist students to learn from textbooks and nontextbook materials.

584 Vocabulary Development K–12. (3) This course explores elementary, middle, and high school students’ vocabulary development and appropriate strategies for teaching and assessing vocabulary.

586 Language Development and Reading. (3) This pre K-12 course explores theories of language development and the relationship between language development and learning to read. Of special interest are populations (such as second language learners, those with a learning disability with respect to oral communication, and hearing impaired students) who find learning to read difficult because of language barriers. Prerequisites: RDG 568, RDG 569, or RDG 570.

587 Practicum in Reading, K-5. (3) An advanced course where knowledge of diagnosis and instruction is refined, applied, and extended as graduate students work individually with small groups of students in grades K-5 in a closely supervised instructional setting. Prerequisites: RDG 570 and RDG 571.

588 Leadership in Reading. (3) Designed for the reading specialist in the classroom or remedial program and for the administrator responsible for the reading program, this course prepares participants to act as change agents within the school‑based reading program in areas of curriculum/methodology, organization, administration, and staff development. Prerequisites: Twenty-one hours in reading to include RDG 568 or RDG 570, RDG 571 or RDG 573, RDG 576, and RDG 587 or RDG 589.

589 Practicum in Reading 6-12. (3) An advanced course where knowledge of diagnosis and instruction is refined, applied, and extended as graduate students work individually with small groups of students in grades 6-12 in a closely supervised instructional setting. Prerequisites: RDG 568 and RDG 573.

590 Effective Practices of Literacy Coaching. (3) This course will provide in-depth, intensive experiences focused on coaching principles and strategies designed toward innovation and improvement in literacy instruction, leading to enhanced K-12 student growth and achievement. Topics will include providing leadership for a school’s literacy program, advocacy for effective literacy instruction, and collaboration with teachers, school personnel, and other stakeholders. Emphasis is placed on modeling, observation, demonstration, and data analysis with teachers in authentic and diverse instructional settings. Prerequisite: RDG 588.