Public Safety Administration

Please refer to the Public Safety Administration graduate program section for information including the school’s contact information, a list of graduate faculty members, program description, and course descriptions.

Bachelor of Science in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration/Master of Arts in Public Safety Administration

Requirements for Enrollment
  • A minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.25 major GPA, or
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.3 GPA in the last 30 s.h. from WIU
  • Current resume
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which must come from LEJA faculty
  • Personal essay of 1000-1500 words that includes academic goals, career plans upon completion of the program, perceived motivations, attributes, and abilities that will lead to their success in the program
Integrated Degree Program Description

Students in the integrated program are allowed to use nine semester hours of B-level courses to satisfy both the Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Arts degree in Public Safety Administration. The following courses may be used: LEJA 500B, LEJA 501B, LEJA 502B, LEJA 503B, LEJA 504B, LEJA 505B, LEJA 506B, LEJA 507B, LEJA 508B, LEJA 509B, LEJA 510B, LEJA 511B, LEJA 512B, LEJA 513B, LEJA 514B, LEJA 515B, LEJA 516B, EM 460G/B, EM 521B, EM 522B, EM 561B, EM565B.

Integrated Degree Program Requirements

I. Core Courses: 15 s.h.

LEJA 500/500B Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Public Safety (3)

LEJA 501/501B Theory in Criminal Justice (3)*
FS 481G Fire and Emergency Administration (3)

LEJA 502/502B Management Issues in Public Safety Administration (3)
LEJA 503/503B Research Methodology in Public Safety (3)
LEJA 504/504B Civil and Criminal Liability (3)

II. Select on of the following plans:

A. Thesis: 18 s.h.

LEJA 600 Thesis Research (3)
LEJA 601 Thesis (3)
Electives in one of the following departments (12):

educational administration, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Director. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

A final oral presentation and defense of the thesis.

Thesis proposal must be approved before research is undertaken.


B. Non‑Thesis: 24 s.h.

LEJA 518 Comprehensive Seminar in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (3)
*FS 519 Comprehensive Seminar in Public Safety (3)

Electives in one of the following departments (21)**:
educational leadership, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Chair. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

*Only if FS 481G was taken as a core course
**No more than 12 s.h. of electives may come from departments outside of LEJA.


In either option, no more than 9 semester hours of 400G level courses will be counted toward fulfillment of the degree requirements without permission of the LEJA Graduate Committee.

Bachelor of Arts in Emergency Management/Master of Arts in Public Safety Administration

Requirements for Enrollment
  • A minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.25 major GPA, or
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.3 GPA in the last 30 s.h. from WIU
  • Current resume
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which must come from LEJA faculty
  • Personal essay of 1000-1500 words that includes academic goals, career plans upon completion of the program, perceived motivations, attributes, and abilities that will lead to their success in the program
Integrated Degree Program Description

Students in the integrated program are allowed to use nine semester hours of B-level courses to satisfy both the Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Arts degree in Public Safety Administration. The following courses may be used: LEJA 500B, LEJA 501B, LEJA 502B, LEJA 503B, LEJA 504B, LEJA 505B, LEJA 506B, LEJA 507B, LEJA 508B, LEJA 509B, LEJA 510B, LEJA 511B, LEJA 512B, LEJA 513B, LEJA 514B, LEJA 515B, LEJA 516B, EM 460G/B, EM 521B, EM 522B, EM 561B, EM 565B.

Integrated Degree Program Requirements

I. Core Courses: 15 s.h.

LEJA 500/500B Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Public Safety (3)

LEJA 501/501B Theory in Criminal Justice (3)*
FS 481G Fire and Emergency Administration (3)

LEJA 502/502B Management Issues in Public Safety Administration (3)
LEJA 503/503B Research Methodology in Public Safety (3)
LEJA 504/504B Civil and Criminal Liability (3)

II. Select on of the following plans:

A. Thesis: 18 s.h.

LEJA 600 Thesis Research (3)
LEJA 601 Thesis (3)
Electives in one of the following departments (12):

educational administration, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Director. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

A final oral presentation and defense of the thesis.

Thesis proposal must be approved before research is undertaken.


B. Non‑Thesis: 24 s.h.

LEJA 518 Comprehensive Seminar in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (3)
*FS 519 Comprehensive Seminar in Public Safety (3)

Electives in one of the following departments (21)**:
educational leadership, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Chair. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

*Only if FS 481G was taken as a core course
**No more than 12 s.h. of electives may come from departments outside of LEJA.


In either option, no more than 9 semester hours of 400G level courses will be counted toward fulfillment of the degree requirements without permission of the LEJA Graduate Committee.

Bachelor of Arts in Fire Protection Services/Master of Arts in Public Safety Administration

Requirements for Enrollment
  • A minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.25 major GPA, or
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.3 GPA in the last 30 s.h. from WIU
  • Current resume
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which must come from LEJA faculty
  • Personal essay of 1000-1500 words that includes academic goals, career plans upon completion of the program, perceived motivations, attributes, and abilities that will lead to their success in the program
Integrated Degree Program Description

Students in the integrated program are allowed to use nine semester hours of B-level courses to satisfy both the Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Arts degree in Public Safety Administration. The following courses may be used: LEJA 500B, LEJA 501B, LEJA 502B, LEJA 503B, LEJA 504B, LEJA 505B, LEJA 506B, LEJA 507B, LEJA 508B, LEJA 509B, LEJA 510B, LEJA 511B, LEJA 512B, LEJA 513B, LEJA 514B, LEJA 515B, LEJA 516B, EM 460G/B, EM 521B, EM 522B, EM 561B, EM 565B.

Integrated Degree Program Requirements

I. Core Courses: 15 s.h.

LEJA 500/500B Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Public Safety (3)

LEJA 501/501B Theory in Criminal Justice (3)*
FS 481G Fire and Emergency Administration (3)

LEJA 502/502B Management Issues in Public Safety Administration (3)
LEJA 503/503B Research Methodology in Public Safety (3)
LEJA 504/504B Civil and Criminal Liability (3)

II. Select on of the following plans:

A. Thesis: 18 s.h.

LEJA 600 Thesis Research (3)
LEJA 601 Thesis (3)
Electives in one of the following departments (12):

educational administration, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Director. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

A final oral presentation and defense of the thesis.

Thesis proposal must be approved before research is undertaken.


B. Non‑Thesis: 24 s.h.

LEJA 518 Comprehensive Seminar in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (3)
*FS 519 Comprehensive Seminar in Public Safety (3)

Electives in one of the following departments (21)**:
educational leadership, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Chair. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

*Only if FS 481G was taken as a core course
**No more than 12 s.h. of electives may come from departments outside of LEJA.


In either option, no more than 9 semester hours of 400G level courses will be counted toward fulfillment of the degree requirements without permission of the LEJA Graduate Committee.

Bachelor of Arts in General Studies/Master of Arts in Public Safety Administration

Requirements for Enrollment
  • A minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.25 major GPA, or
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and a minimum 3.3 GPA in the last 30 s.h. from WIU
  • Current resume
  • Three letters of recommendation, one of which must come from LEJA faculty
  • Personal essay of 1000-1500 words that includes academic goals, career plans upon completion of the program, perceived motivations, attributes, and abilities that will lead to their success in the program
Integrated Degree Program Description

Students in the integrated program are allowed to use nine semester hours of B-level courses to satisfy both the Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Arts degree in Public Safety Administration. The following courses may be used: LEJA 500B, LEJA 501B, LEJA 502B, LEJA 503B, LEJA 504B, LEJA 505B, LEJA 506B, LEJA 507B, LEJA 508B, LEJA 509B, LEJA 510B, LEJA 511B, LEJA 512B, LEJA 513B, LEJA 514B, LEJA 515B, LEJA 516B, EM 460G/B, EM 521B, EM 522B, EM 561B, EM 565B.

Integrated Degree Program Requirements

I. Core Courses: 15 s.h.

LEJA 500/500B Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Public Safety (3)

LEJA 501/501B Theory in Criminal Justice (3)*
FS 481G Fire and Emergency Administration (3)

LEJA 502/502B Management Issues in Public Safety Administration (3)
LEJA 503/503B Research Methodology in Public Safety (3)
LEJA 504/504B Civil and Criminal Liability (3)

II. Select on of the following plans:

A. Thesis: 18 s.h.

LEJA 600 Thesis Research (3)
LEJA 601 Thesis (3)

Electives in one of the following departments (12):
educational administration, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Director. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

A final oral presentation and defense of the thesis.

Thesis proposal must be approved before research is undertaken.


B. Non‑Thesis: 24 s.h.

LEJA 518 Comprehensive Seminar in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (3)
*FS 519 Comprehensive Seminar in Public Safety (3)

Electives in one of the following departments (21)**:
educational leadership, law enforcement and justice administration, management sciences, political science, psychology, or sociology; or in any other department with approval of the LEJA Graduate Committee and Chair. Courses should be geared toward career objectives.

*Only if FS 481G was taken as a core course
**No more than 12 s.h. of electives may come from departments outside of LEJA.


In either option, no more than 9 semester hours of 400G level courses will be counted toward fulfillment of the degree requirements without permission of the LEJA Graduate Committee.