Student Success and Retention Initiatives

Western Illinois University offers many focused initiatives, offices, and supports to assist students in finding success. The Student Success and Retention Initiatives Area, housed in the Division of Student Success, focuses on the development of the student experience at Western Illinois University to enhance student success.

Click on the tabs below to learn more about Retention Initiatives.

Initiatives and Support

Through programmatic development, process review and creation, and data analyzation, the Western Illinois University endeavors to positively impact student retention and success. 

University Retention Initiative Plan

The University Retention Initiative Team was charged with the development of a University retention plan. Utilizing institutional research data, best practice review, comparisons to peer institutions, and insight from current students, faculty, staff, non-retained students, and alumni, the University Retention Initiative Team developed a list of barriers to retention and student success. This plan outlines recommended actions Western Illinois University could take to support goals, overcome barriers, and improve student success. This plan is understood to be a direct development of the 2017-2027 Higher Values in Higher Education strategic planning document. The University Retention Initiative Plan and updates can be found here.

Outreach and Support

The Office of Outreach and Retention Initiatives coordinates outreach text, call, email, and other campaigns throughout the year to share resources, insight, and support. Our Teleconnector team consists of a group of Western Illinois University students who have a passion for assisting and supporting fellow students.

Connections Mapping Program

The Connections Mapping Program focused on connecting students to valuable campus resources during critical times throughout the semester.