
The Department of Communication has several scholarship opportunities for students.

The Wayne N. Thompson Scholar Awards are awarded to Communication undergraduate and a graduate students in the Fall and Spring Semesters of each academic year. There are two awards granted in the fall, and three granted in the spring. The fall awards are for the Thompson Undergraduate Scholar Award, and the Thompson Graduate Scholar Award. The spring awards are for the Thompson Undergraduate Scholar Award, the Thompson Graduate Scholar Award, and the Thompson Undergraduate Honors Award. Each award is in the amount of $500. The student must be a declared Communication major with at least 90 semester hours completed (18 for graduate students), and an overall grade point average of 3.5 or higher. To be eligible for the Honors award a student must be enrolled in the university’s Centennial Honors Program.

2011 Thompson Scholars

Communication students who meet these criteria will be invited to apply. The applications are screened and selected by the department’s Thompson Committee. The deadline for application is determined each Fall and Spring. An eligible student who has received the award previously may apply again.

Fall recipients of the award will be recognized at the annual Thompson Professor Lecture which takes place every fall semester. Spring recipients will be recognized at the annual Wayne N. Thompson Lecture during the spring.

To inquire about the scholarship, please contact:

Chair, Thompson Committee
Memorial Hall 302
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL 61455

Undergraduate Research Scholarship

The Undergraduate Research Scholarship was established in August 2007 as an annual scholarship to reward excellence in undergraduate research in the field of Communication. The scholarship was established by a former faculty member in the Department of Communication to reward students who achieve excellence in undergraduate research. The award is intended to assist undergraduate students in conducting and presenting original research.

Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day

Two $500 annual awards are available. Either or both of the awards may be split and given to two deserving candidates. Teams of undergraduate research students may apply when submitting their research project collaboration.

Candidates must be a Communication major or minor; have junior standing (60-90 credit hours completed at the time of application); be in good academic standing; and possess a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

Recipients are selected by the Department of Communication Thompson Committee.

Applications must be received by the deadline set each year by the department, generally mid to late April. Contact the Department of Communication for specific deadline dates each year.

To inquire about the scholarships, please contact:

Department of Communication
Memorial Hall 302
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL 61455

Learn about other available scholarships at the WIU Scholarship Website

WIU Scholarship Portal
