College of Education & Human Services
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Math Education - Offered Online
The Math Education Area of Specialization is intended to give insight into the K-12 school mathematics curriculum. Several of the courses address the content of mathematics; others place special emphasis on the teaching of mathematics. Nearing the completion of their degree, students develop and conduct an investigative project in math education. The math area of specialization can now be completed entirely online.
Core Requirements (12 SH)
- EDS 500 (3 sh) Methods of Research (online)
- C&I 566 (3 sh) Recent Trends and Research in Elementary Education (online)
- C&I 574 (3 sh) Assessment and Differentiation (online)
- C&I 600 (3 sh) Graduate Seminar (online)
Area of Specialization (12 SH)
Choose 12 semester hours from the courses listed below. Use Course Projections to assist you in your choices.
- MATH 402G (2 sh)/MATH 590 (1 sh) Investigations in School Geometry and Independent Study (online; taught simultaneously)
- MATH 406G (3 sh) Problem Solving and the History of Mathematics (online)
- MATH 407G (3 sh) Number Theory Concepts in School Mathematics (online)
- MATH 500 (3 sh) Teaching of Elementary Mathematics (online)
- MATH 505 (3 sh) The Teaching of Mathematics in Middle Grades and Junior High (online; taught irregularly based on need)
- MATH 508 (3 sh) Special Topics in Elementary Mathematics (online)
Electives (6 SH)
Candidates may select from any of the courses offered at the graduate level by the School of Education. Graduate-level courses in other departments at Western may also be used as electives with advisor approval. Consult your advisor as well as the Graduate Catalog and the course schedule/registration materials for each semester's offerings. Recommended electives are RDG 580 Content Area Reading, SPED 556 Methods in Autism and Language Disorders, and SPED 551 Characteristics of learners with Disabilities, which are online courses. Many other possibilities exist as well.
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