Elementary Curriculum

- Offered Online

The Elementary Curriculum Area of Specialization develops knowledge, skills, and instructional competencies in each of the major subject areas of the elementary curriculum.  This area of specialization offers candidates a balanced program of courses in each major subject area of the elementary school curriculum. Candidates take courses from all four content areas:  Literacy education, mathematics, science, and social studies. Candidates may complete this area of specialization entirely online, but may also take some face-to face courses if they desire.

Core Requirements (12 SH)

EDS 500       Methods of Research (3 SH)

C&I 566         Recent Trends and Research in Elementary Education (3 SH)

C&I 574         Assessment and Differentiation (3 SH)

C&I 600         Graduate Seminar (3 SH)

Area of Specialization (12 SH)

Literacy (one of the following):

LA 567             Teaching language Arts in the Elementary School

LA 578             Language Arts for Diverse Learners

RDG 569         Reading in Early Childhood

RDG 570         Integrating Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Curriculum

Mathematics (one of the following):

MATH 406G    Mathematical Reasoning in School Mathematics

MATH 500       Teaching of Elementary Mathematics

MATH 505       The Teaching of Mathematics in Middle Grades and Junior High

MATH 509       Standards and Assessment in School Mathematics

Science (one of the following):

SCED 509      Inquiry into Science Assessment in the Elementary Classroom

SCED 511      Science Through Children's Literature

SCED 562      Science Curriculum in the Elementary School

Social Studies (one of the following):

SSED 568       Improvement of Instruction in Social Studies

SSED 572       Social Studies Curriculum

Electives (6 SH)

Candidates may select from any of the courses offered at the graduate level by the School of Education. Graduate-level courses in other departments at Western may also be used as electives with advisor approval. Consult your advisor as well as the Graduate Catalog and the course schedule/registration materials for each semester's offerings.