Early Childhood Education

- Offered Online

The goal of the Early Childhood Education Area of Specialization is to provide candidates with opportunities to expand their knowledge, skills, and understanding of the growth and development of the young child. Candidates are encouraged and supported in their search for new information about their particular interests and needs. Our mission is to help our candidates develop as learners, teachers, leaders, and "experts" in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Core Requirements (15 SH)

ECH 474G      Early Childhood Assessment (3 SH)

ECH 539         Curriculum in Early Childhood Education (3 SH)

ECH 565         Seminar in Early Childhood Education (3 SH)

ECH 603         Research in Early Childhood Education (3 SH)

EDS 500          Methods of Research (3 SH)

Area of Specialization (9 SH)
Choose 9 semester hours from the courses listed below.  Contact Dr. Boh Young Lee for questions at BY-Lee@wiu.edu

C&I 576          Family and Community Engagement (3 SHe)

ECH 524         Intervention Techniques in Early Childhood Education (3 SH)

ECH 549         Practicum in Early Childhood Education (1-4 SH)

ECH 564         Language and Thought of the Child (3 SH)

ECH 571         Theory and Function of Play (3 SH)

ECH 573         Infancy and Childhood (3 SH)

LA 578            Language Arts for Diverse Learners (3 SH)

RDG 569        Reading in Early Childhood (3 SH)

Electives (6 SH)

Candidates may select from any of the courses offered at the graduate level by the School of Education. Graduate-level courses in other departments at Western may also be used as electives with advisor approval. Consult your advisor as well as the Graduate Catalog and the course schedule/registration materials for each semester's offerings.