Student Organizations
Students at Western Illinois University are often invited to join a variety of national organizations that recognize students for academic performance. For additional information about student organizations on campus explore Leatherneck Link. To visit a list of recognized national organizations, visit the Association of College Honor Societies. Some of the honors organizations that you may be invited to join are the following:
The Student Honors Association (SHA) is the official student organization of the Centennial Honors College. Any student participating in the Honors program may join this organization.
Blue Key is an honorary fraternity for junior and senior students who have combined academic achievement and co-curricular involvement. The purpose of Blue Key is to recognize and honor upper division students who have shown outstanding qualities of scholarship, service, and leadership. For more information contact the Office of Student Engagement 309-298-3232 (
Golden Key is an academic honor society which recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and excellence among college and university students from all academic disciplines.
Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes college seniors for excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership and service. Mortar Board members represent the top scholars and leaders on their campuses.
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is an honor society inviting high-achieving freshmen and sophomores. Members must rank in the top 20 percent of their class and have an accumulative GPA of 3.4 or above.
Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest, largest, and most selective all-discipline national honor society. For more information see the WIU Chapter Website .
Phi Alpha Delta is a professional law fraternity advancing integrity, compassion and courage through service to the student, the school, the profession and the community.
Phi Eta Sigma is a national honor society for college freshmen which encourages and rewards academic excellence among first-year students in institutions of higher learning.
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