Guidelines for Requesting a New General Honors Course
General Honors courses are approved by the University Honors Council. Since class schedules are built two semesters in advance, departments wishing to offer a new General Honors course should plan to submit their request two semesters before the course's first offering, given that it is approved. Although it may be possible to offer a course sooner, the Honors College cannot guarantee there will be a need for the course at that time.
Requests must be received at least three weeks before the next Honors Council meeting to be included on the agenda. Two weeks before the Honors Council meeting, new course requests are sent to all department chairpersons. If there are no objections, the course request will be added to the agenda for the next Honors Council meeting. The course instructor and/or department chairperson should plan to attend the meeting to answer any questions that HC members may have regarding the course. The Honors Council meeting schedule can be found on the University Honors Council page.
Submitting a Request
1. Develop your course syllabus/outline for the proposed course.
2. Have your department chairperson write a statement of approval/support for the course.
3. Complete the online form, Request for New General Honors Course, found on the Honors College's Forms page. At the same time, upload your course syllabus/outline and the chairperson's statement of approval.
When a new General Honors course with a GH prefix is approved, the Honors College submits a Request for New Title to the Registrar, who adds the course to the list of approved General Honors courses and assigns the course a specific section number. Once the Registrar notifies the Honors College that this is done, the course is ready to be added to the class schedule.
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