Pre-Law Honors Minor

Honors in the Major Requirements
Grade Point Average Requirements:
  • 3.4 cumulative GPA
  • 3.4 cumulative GPA in Honors courses
Course Requirements:
  • GH 299 (1 sh)
    (if not already completed for General Honors)
  • Complete 21 sh of core and elective courses in Categories A and B.
  • Of the 21 sh, 18 sh must be taken for honors credit:
    • Minimum of 12 sh in-course honors projects in Categories A and B.
    • Additional 6 sh can come from projects in Categories A or B, or from General Honors courses.
  • Only one course from Category A or B may count towards a student's major and pre-law honors minor.
Category A: Core Courses
Complete all four courses (12 sh) with or without honors credit
  • ACCT 200 or 201 - Introduction to Accounting or Principles of Financial Accounting (3 sh)
  • COMM 247 - Argumentation (3 sh)
  • PHIL 120 - Contemporary Moral Problems (3 sh)
  • PHIL 140 - Logic and Reasoning (3 sh)
Category B: Electives
Complete 9 sh with or without honors credit
  • BC&J 400 - Mass Communication Law & Ethics (3 sh)
  • BL 230 - The Legal Environment of Business (3 sh)
  • ECON 232 - Principles of Micro-Economics II (3 sh)
  • HIST 303 - American Legal History (3 sh)
  • LEJA 212 - Criminal Law (3 sh)
  • LEJA 312 - Criminal Procedure (3 sh)
  • PHIL 420 - Philosophy of Law (3 sh)
  • PHIL 440 - Legal Reasoning (3)
  • POLS 319 - The Judiciary (3 sh)
  • POLS 402 - Internship in Public Affairs (up to 3 sh)
  • POLS 410 - Constitutional Law: Government Organization and Powers (3 sh)
  • POLS 411 - Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (3 sh)
  • POLS 448 - The Supreme Court (3 sh)
  • SOC 355 - Criminology (3 sh)
  • SOC 463 - Sociology of Law (3 sh)

University Honors
(General Honors + Honors in the Major)