Dear School of Agriculture Supporters

Each year, it gets more and more interesting in Illinois, especially in Higher Education. However, we still find innovative ways to complete projects and support activities that enhance the educational mission of our academic unit through your generous financial support. We utilized $4295 in FY 19 on various projects and activities that support both our faculty, staff, students and future students.

Activities that were funded through the Banner Foundation this past year were:

  1. Supported travel for a Beef production class tour through the Great Plains (Nebraska & Dakotas).
  2. Supported the development of six hydroponic units that were placed in local high school agriculture programs.
  3. Supported the purchase of 10 tables utilized in the Livestock Center classroom.
  4. Supported the purchase of a student club pop-up banner.
  5. Supported travel to the Illinois Articulation Conference and the Illinois Legislative Roundtable meeting.
  6. Supported several different recruitment trips as well as supported the annual alumni newsletter.

The strength of the School of Agriculture lies in the support network of our alumni and agricultural organizations that value our purpose and mission. Our students have earned back-to-back-to-back-to-back national titles (2015, 2016, 2017, & 2018) in the College Aggies On-Line competition, which highlights our commitment to educational excellence and agriculture advocacy. Our annual Ag Legacy Sale has entered its fifth year and has generated over $192,000 for the Animal Science curriculum. We have expanded the parking lot east of the Livestock Center to better handle parking for our annual major events and double the space in our Bull Test Station pens. All of these activities have been very positive, but the most exciting news is that we were granted the institutional approval to establish our own School of Agriculture alumni group called “WIU Aggies”. If you are interested in signing up to a part of the “WIU Aggies” group (alumni and non-alumni) here is the link: We will also be celebrating our 100 th year as the School of Agriculture and will be also celebrating the 50 th year of the Ag Expo this year, which highlights our rich, institutional heritage at Western Illinois University.

The walls in the Livestock Center are being filled with banners of support for the School of Agriculture, which is a beautiful sight to see. The Banners certainly do showcase to prospective students and parents, the support we receive from our agricultural partners. With your help and continued support, we can continue to grow and expand our educational efforts in preparing future agricultural leaders.

If you have any questions about this support drive, please feel free to contact me at the main office (309) 298-1080 or at Thanks again for your support and have a great year!

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Andrew J. Baker, Director
School of Agriculture
Western Illinois University
"Cultivating Agricultural Leaders"

School of Agriculture Supporters

We would like to take this opportunity to thank and recognize our supporters.


  • Birkey's Farm Store
  • Riden Farm Supply
  • Soil Biotics
  • Monsanto
  • Citizens Bank/Morton Commerce Bank
  • Knapheide
  • Raritan State Bank
  • Lowderman Family
  • Spartan Agricultural Consulting, LLC
  • Sullivan Young Farms, Inc.
  • First Bankers Trust
  • Dean Ruebush
  • State Farm
  • Martin Sullivan
  • Professional Swine Management, LLC


  • Sunglo
  • West Central FS, Inc.
  • Agrigold Hybrids
  • Westen Investments
  • O'Connor Consulting and Management, Inc.


  • McDonough Telephone Coop + MTC Communications

Greenhouse Project

Watch our Greenhouse Grow!

greenhouse construction site