students in trees

School of Agriculture Minors and Pre-Professional Programs


  • Agriculture: 18 s.h.
  • Agricultural Economics: 16 s.h.
  • Agricultural Technology Management: 16 s.h.
  • Agronomy: 18 s.h.
  • Animal Science: 18–20 s.h.
  • Cannabis Cultivation: 18-19 s.h. *(NEW in fall 2020)
  • * Horticulture: 18 s.h. (Interdisciplinary Studies Minor)
  • Natural Resources Conservation: 16 s.h.
  • Plant Breeding: 18–22 s.h.
  • Precision Agriculture: 18 s.h.

Please refer to the undergraduate catalog for detailed Agriculture minor information and course requirements.

* Please refer to the undergraduate catalog for the Horticulture Interdisciplinary Studies minor and courses.

Pre-Professional Programs

Pre-professional degrees are designed to prepare students for professional study at other universities at the undergraduate and graduate level. Each pre-professional degree consists of a series of WIU courses which students are advised to take to gain knowledge and skills required for professional study in one of the below fields.


Students who wish to pursue studies in pre-forestry should contact the academic adviser in the School of Agriculture. This two-year curriculum is designed to prepare students to enter a school of professional forestry with advanced standing.

The following is presented as a general outline which will be modified to meet the demands of the school to which the student expects to transfer.

Pre-Veterinary Medicine

The WIU School of Agriculture offers a pre-professional program designed to meet the requirements for admission to a School of Veterinary Medicine. Students who wish to pursue studies in Pre-Veterinary Medicine should contact the academic advisor in the School of Agriculture. Due to intense competition for admission to Schools of Veterinary Medicine, most students complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program prior to admission. Those students considering a career in Veterinary Medicine should have a good foundation in Biological Sciences and Chemistry, including Biochemistry, as the minimum knowledge base for success in the curriculum. In addition, a course or courses concerning livestock production and animal ethology are highly desirable for all students. Those seeking a career in Veterinary Medicine related to Agriculture should consider additional background in nutrition, livestock management, and the economics of production by working toward a degree in Agriculture prior to admission to veterinary school. Students may also pursue other major fields of study. The 60-hour Pre-Veterinary requirement and the suggested WIU courses for admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois are outlined below. Admission requirements for other schools of Veterinary Medicine are different but can be met with advisor consultation.

Please refer to the undergraduate catalog for detailed pre-professional program information and course requirements.

Pre-Veterinary Medicine Degree Plan Worksheet (pdf)